Graham: ‘Very Likely’ Trump Fires Sessions After Midterms – IOTW Report

Graham: ‘Very Likely’ Trump Fires Sessions After Midterms

DC: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina predicted that President Donald Trump will fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the 2018 midterm elections.

“The president’s entitled to an attorney general he has faith in, somebody that’s qualified for the job, and I think there will come a time, sooner rather than later, where it will be time to have a new face and a fresh voice at the Department of Justice,” Graham told Bloomberg News adding “clearly, Attorney General Sessions doesn’t have the confidence of the president.”  more here

19 Comments on Graham: ‘Very Likely’ Trump Fires Sessions After Midterms

  1. Considering Trump said as much in the Ainsley/FOX interview this morning, Graham doesn’t appear such a clairvoyant.

    Sweet Lindsey, always a day late and a queer three dollar bill short.

  2. Funny how RINO and all around puke Graham is still trying to suck up to PDJT in hopes of getting a coveted inner circle spot. I suggest making him honorary Ambassador to San Francisco immediately.

  3. Keep in mind that PDJT’s public statements and conversations are only one part of his way of accomplishing things, and may well be misdirection. Note, please, that I say “misdirection” as distinct from “deception”.

    For example, look at the way he appeared with Kim the Fat NORK, and with Vlad the Imperator: handshakes, smiles, and compliments. It is clear that the way he handled them in private was quite different, and so far he has been quite succesful in getting things done the way he wants.

  4. I wouldn’t shed a tear at AG Recusal™s disappearance; he’s apparently done little of the people’s legal business since hired.
    OTOH, LG as a reliable source is pretty fucking funny-isn’t he in that video of morons saying Trump would never be POTUS?

  5. How do you go about firing someone who truly never showed up for the job?????

    With SO MUCH that’s been going on these last 2 years (?!) what can anyone truly credit Sessions for getting done??

  6. If miss lindsey is confident enough to share it, then it’s probably gonna happen.

    And as badly as I feel for the Qanon believers, I think that Sessions leaving is a good thing. He’s done nothing with all of the corruption and illegal doings going on right in front of him, Trump can appoint someone else to handle the border AND the corruption.

  7. Trump: Sessions is a do nothing elf who puts dicks in his oatmeal. Should fire this 5’4″ age spot.

    Sessions: I will not allow DoJ to be politicized!

    Trump: First time for everything I guess


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