Graham Working to Declassify Key Document Proving FBI KNEW Dossier was BS – IOTW Report

Graham Working to Declassify Key Document Proving FBI KNEW Dossier was BS

Bongino: Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham is working to declassify a document that would prove the FBI knew that the anti-Trump dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant for Carter Page was nothing more than a Democrat hit-job against President Trump.

Speaking to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo yesterday, Graham said, “There’s a document that’s classified that I’m gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier — all the pages of it — and it has verification to one side. There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier.”

He continued, “So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant.  They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I’m very upset about it. And we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

24 Comments on Graham Working to Declassify Key Document Proving FBI KNEW Dossier was BS

  1. Left Coast Dan
    MAY 13, 2019 AT 12:43 PM
    “Where is Sandy Berger, to go in and just destroy all the evidence?
    You know they are trying to.”

    …that was Mueller’s REAL job. And it’s likely he did it VERY WELL, because here we are, no Democrats even INVESTIGATED…

  2. This whole mess is a clear indicator as to just why Washington never seems to get anything done. Or if they do it doesn’t seem to work out as they had planned. Maybe if they were all on the same page, but that doesn’t seem to work either. Our tax dollars wasted on leaders who don’t know how to work together or more likely don’t want to. Just how many committees do they need to just go in circles week after week month after month and year after year. I call BS.

  3. Sen. Graham seems to have gone into full fighter mode to be on the right side of history. Hopefully he won’t pull an Arlen Specter and revert. Wonder if Graham helped put the dissier together?

  4. BigOwe – Nah, he didn’t take part in the dossier.
    That was all done by FBI and CIA informant and one bureauweenie.

    But I will add GW Bush as someone who may have known what was going on. He is kissing cousins with hillary and bill and the Bush family has friends in intelligence. I wonder if W knew what was happening but didn’t say anything.

    I’m pretty sure McCain knew about all of this.

  5. Diana – No kidding, huh? Linds told Roberts a few weeks ago to check out his judges (Roberts oversees FISA judges) and see what was going on. (before the senate tells DOJ to investigate, etc.)
    We know at least ONE FISA judge turned down a warrant because he thought he smelled bullshit.

  6. Stinkfoot II – The reason I mentioned GW was because at the end of his term, as McCain was running, the alphabets told GW that hillary and 0bama’s friends were trying to link Russians to mcCain. (Because Mccain kept involving himself with rebel fighters, etc.) Plus he was using Manafort as a go-between. So GW warned McCain to back off. And he did.

    Years later, Trump is in the crosshairs by the same people, yet McCain rushes to promote the dossier and all the collusion shit. And not a peep from GW. Why is that?

  7. Diana MAY 13, 2019 AT 1:13 PM
    “So the FISA judges are just there to rubber stamp? I want to know why the judges don’t grill the DOJ about every warrant.”

    …because, this…

    “In the messages, Page and Strzok, who are rumored to have been engaged in an illicit romantic affair, discussed Strzok’s personal friendship with Contreras and how to leverage that relationship in ongoing counterintelligence matters.

    “Rudy is on the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]!” Page excitedly texted Strzok on July 25, 2016. “Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago.”

    “I did,” Strzok responded. “I need to get together with him.”

    “[He] said he’d gotten on a month or two ago at a graduation party we were both at.”

    Contreras was appointed to the top surveillance court on May 19, 2016, federal records show.”

    …corruption is deep and wide where Democrats tread, and the Federal Judiciary is no exception…

  8. Now that Graham’s longtime friend McCain has shit the bed, Sen Graham has become a solid standup guy, happy to call bullshit on the Left and the Deep State.

  9. I believe President Trump will declassify everything AFTER the Justice Department IG files his report. Then he cannot be accused of obstructing justice Even though the IG is NOT able to prosecute anybody.

  10. Stinkfoot II MAY 13, 2019 AT 1:29 PM
    “I don’t know about GWB, but Graham grew a spine about the time McCain died…”

    …yeah, and I don’t trust it. Sooner or later, someone – probably his daughter – is gonna find those pictures that McCain was holding over Graham’s head, then it’ll be 24/7/365 TDS out of him for the rest of his career, or until the Civil War, whichever comes first…

    (I KNEW this was still around…)

  11. @Burner May 13, 2019 at 1:17 pm

    > 1. This changes anything, how?
    > 2. Graham has been a milquetoast RINO forever, why would a Dem media care? To late to change your stripes, Lindsay.

    1. If Graham can prove the truth, so truthy even CNN agrees, patriots will finally have the signal they’ve sworn oaths they’re waiting for. To begin the purge of the corrupt. There won’t be a lamppost within an hour’s drive of The Atlantic, that isn’t turned into a gibbet.
    2. Oh, that’s right… patriots. American patriots. Never mind.

  12. “Working to declassify” or “working with the president to determine the best time to declassify”?

    If Donald Trump wants it declassified it will be declassified, n’est-ce pas?

  13. Hate to say it but….
    Y’all gonna be mega-disappointed in Graham 2.Zero. Once he’s re-elected and he’s gonna be re-elected, it’s gonna be crickets. After nearly 2 decades of aiding and abetting the Democrats over and over they know they’ve got a guardian angel in Lindsey now that he’s chair of the Senate Judiciary. Graham 2.Zero is not gonna let anything happen to his pals.


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