Grand Theft Driveway – IOTW Report

Grand Theft Driveway

One Florida woman had her entire driveway stolen while she was out.

13 Comments on Grand Theft Driveway

  1. “…by the time police arrived they – and the driveway – were gone”

    …what in the hell are the police response times in ya ‘hood if someone can demolish and haul off an ENTIRE DRIVEWAY before cop one shows up?

    …guess I know why YOU’RE moving, just feel sorry for whoever buys your house, ’cause I’m guessing you’re not gonna disclose that aspect of what they’re getting into…

  2. SNS: the story doesn’t say when the police were called. I am going to guess that maybe the homeowner called the police when she got home which was after the fact. Not to say neighbors weren’t paying attention, but how would they know the owner was not having the driveway redone?

    Speaking of the reporting, “…neither womEn??.” What kind of grammar is that?

  3. RadioMattM
    MONDAY, 8 JANUARY 2024, 13:44 AT 1:44 PM

    …it does say she called when her doorbell cam showed her dudes tearing up her property, but maybe she was slow to react it doesn’t really give a timeline…but that’s not an operation you can end on a dime so you’d think that even SOME delay would still have let them see the cleanup at least…

  4. Non-story. Here in Vegas that is SOP. You don’t pay, they “take” their work back. Whole kitchens have been demolished. I personally witnessed an entire pool system hack-sawed off by the unpaid pool boys. NO way any neighbors will get involved with that crap.

  5. When the old George Washington University hospital was torn down, a guy I worked with sent and stole all the granite pavers that had made up the driveway at the emergency room and used them to make his back patio of his house.

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