Grandpa Does Dover and things keep getting worse – IOTW Report

Grandpa Does Dover and things keep getting worse

Patriot Retort:

Like an arsonist returning to the scene of the crime, President Joe Biden and the missus traveled to Dover Air Force base Sunday to meet with the families of those thirteen US service members killed in last Thursday’s attack.

And because this is Joe Biden we’re talking about, during the Dover ceremonies, he got caught checking his watch.

Got somewhere more important to be, Grandpa? Missing a Matlock marathon? more

18 Comments on Grandpa Does Dover and things keep getting worse

  1. And they’re taking all those Never Trumpers and RINO fucks with ’em!

    Sorry Fur. I’ll try and clean up the place a little better going forward but don’t hold your breath. LOL!

  2. It’s a dementia “tell”: repetitive behaviors due to short term memory being basically non-functional.

    We’re talking way down the dementia road, here. Have witnessed it first hand.

  3. Bidens handlers will spin it so it’s all his fault and their hands are absolutely clean. With the MSM as backup 1/2 of the sheeple will eventually believe it because we don’t want to believe our “leaders” would be so corrupt and diabolical. F**K

  4. Dementia Joe’s got the Rolex, and now it’s time to send this befuddled, fraudulently installed, crooked bastard back to his basement hideout. Whoever is mismanaging his Presidency* needs to be exposed as the completely illegal Fundamental Transformers that they are before the next election.

  5. Top-10 reasons Joe checked his watch:

    10. He was actually checking his pulse on the new ‘Biden Fit?’ 0.
    9. It’s his new crypto-Dick Tracy watch and Barack made it beep.
    8. It was just an email ding-dong from Xi.
    7. His physician has him do that to stay awake.
    6. COVID was detected in the vicinity from a non-mask wearer.
    5. It was an alert that Major bit another Marine.
    4. Nagging emails from Valjar.
    3. Just checking the timer for his next Adderall pill.
    2. The time to call a Lid was approaching.

    And the #1 reason Joe looked at his watch:

    1. Signal from the White House that his fresh pudding was done!

  6. …here’s why he’s worried about time, he doesn’t have much left…

    “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
    Revelation 12:12

  7. You all got it wrong. He was told that next item on his “busy” daily schedule was a visit to a local, experimental, elementary school for transgender kids. Imagine, all that sniffing around.

  8. Let’s be serious for a minute. Every single thing this pedo does, even the mere fact of his existence, shits on the memory of the kids he condemed to death.

    He should just stay the fuck away. He and his prostitute wife and whore co-usurper and the whole rest of his America hating coterie. No one wants to see that demented traitor try to turn even the deaths of the soldiers he murdered into a fucking photo op.

    We know he doesn’t want to be there. No one wants him there.

    He should just crawl back into his slimy basement in Delaware until called for his hanging.

    Because that’s the only way it really should end for this treacherous destroyer.

    At the end of a rope.

    Even your Ukrainian graft can’t buy you a watch big enough to mark your eternety in hell, pedo.

    But keep it up. Your every action just draws the date you make the trip there closer.

    And I don’t think anyone will mourn your passing. Your cabal does not love you. You are only a tool, even to your slutty adulterous “wife”, and I doubt the grand daughters you raped will mourn you either.

    But in a just world, all those will die with you, either that day or when and as they can be hunted down.

    In a just world.

    Keep pushing, pedo. Perhaps you can bring it about.

    Until then, fuck off. No one wants you.

    No one at all.

  9. SNS – It’s not just Jackass Joe. This whole administration is one big PEZ dispencer of incompetent Boobs, Perverts, Autocrats and wannabe tyrants. The whole party needs to be “impeached”!!

  10. TRF
    AUGUST 31, 2021 AT 8:37 AM
    “SNS – It’s not just Jackass Joe. This whole administration is one big PEZ dispencer of incompetent Boobs, Perverts, Autocrats and wannabe tyrants. The whole party needs to be “impeached”!!
    …agreed. that’s why I said…”

    “…and the whole rest of his America hating coterie.”


    “…in a just world, all those will die with you…”

    …but we gotta start somewhere.

    Keeping a pedophile domestic enemy from profaning and befouling a solemn ceremony for the return of fallen warriors with his illegitimate presence is as good a place as any.

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