Granny Clinton is still playing “Pretend I’m President” – IOTW Report

Granny Clinton is still playing “Pretend I’m President”

Patriot Retort:

There is something seriously off about a woman in her seventies playing Pretend.

Nearly three years after her humiliating loss and Hillary Clinton is still playing “Pretend I’m President.”

Two years ago, I compared Granny to Miss Havisham from “Great Expectations” – frozen in time and stuck in that moment of her humiliating defeat.

Interviewers have let Havisham Clinton play pretend by asking her to indulge in a fantasy world in which she didn’t lose and was President.

And rather than simply say, “That’s not productive,” Granny happily gives them what they want and plays Pretend right along with them.

If she surrounded herself with friends instead of sycophants, there would be someone to say “Honey, no.  This has to stop.”

But she has no friends.  There is nobody close to Hillary who can say to her, “Secretary Clinton, you have to stop playing ‘Pretend I’m President’ especially in public with photographers around.”

Take a look at this:

44 Comments on Granny Clinton is still playing “Pretend I’m President”

  1. Hillary thinks she’s funny. Ugh.
    She probably thinks this bothers Trump. Nope. It doesn’t.
    The article is right. This makes her look like she’s mentally unstable. Very dementia like.

  2. Paging Billy Joel. Can you favor us with a stirring rendition of ‘Only the Good Die Young’.
    This old hag is going to be around FOREVER.
    Like Soros, Bader Ginsburg and the rest of the liberal dinosaurs roaming the planet.

    Shit. Obama is sure to live to 200 years old.

  3. She gussies up for daytime public performances, but not before noon.

    The real performances are every night, after Bill adjourns to his underage prostitutes and Hillary hits the sauce. Easy at first. Hillary begins to murmur and wipe a tear from her eye. A few glasses into the truth serum she’s cursing up a storm and breaking the stemware.

    Then she vomits and adjourns to an empty bed.

  4. I believe the proper word is “cracked.” Cracked — like an egg. That has been hiding somewhere on the floor of your car. For a couple of weeks. In the hot interior of your car.

    Will we ever get the smell out?

  5. @jimmy.

    Well, I did leave out the part where Hillary doesn’t get herself to bed, but is dragged up the hall by her ankles, at taxpayer expense, by the Secret Service.

    She comes to, briefly and asks Special Agent Jimmy, “Am i still pretty?” “Yes ma’am” Then he pushes her into the bed with his boot.
    …To be continued…..
    By someone else. Hopefully.

  6. I like the part where Special Agent Jimmy booted her, PHenry. But after that, he must have retired from the room because the flap-snap her thunderous thighs made a disgusting sound and the sight of her swollen cankles caused him to throw-up a little in his mouth. But he stood there for a moment too long, noticing how cold the room was becoming and wondering what kind of monster could emerge from that bed if he waited any longer there in the dark…

    (Story to be continued by someone else…)

  7. @Larry.

    Hillary is already drunk tonight, realizing that her failure in Benghazi cratered her second presidential run.

    Maybe you should go comfort her. She is all alone.

    Or you can watch the drooling idiots on the debate stage tonight.

    Usually you don’t have this many options.
    Good night for Larry the Loser.

  8. President Elect Hillary Rodham Havisham is still waiting for Pip (Carlos Danger) to come calling on Estella (Huma Abedin) and discover that his real benefactor was a desperate, perverted convict (Jeffrey Epstein). Would that Charles Dickens could have seen how close to reality his fictional characters were one hundred and fifty years on.

  9. As the steam arose from Hillary’s bed due to her overheated body reacting to the cooling room, the sound of laughing and cackling of several demented demons was heard after the thunderous reverberations died down. Stench filled the room, not only from her diseased body, but from the fissure that opened to let the demons travel from Hell.

    Agent Jimmy had barely escaped the room as it shimmered, lighting his hasty retreat to safety.

    (Story to be continued by someone else…)

  10. The two Secret Service agents on duty were watching the few remaining gun videos on YouTube when the alarm blared signaling a failure of H-Rod’s life support equipment.

    “*sigh* OK, Phil, let’s play rock-paper-scissors to see who has to go revive the nasty old bitch.”

    “You got it, Wally.”

    1-2-3…paper to paper. no winner.
    1-2-3…rock to rock. no winner.
    1-2-3…scissors to scissors. no winner.
    1-2-3…rock to rock. no winner.
    1-2-3…scissors to scissors. no winner.
    1-2-3…paper to paper. no winner.
    1-2-3…rock to rock. no winner.

    “Dang, Wally, I’m getting tired of this. And that alarm is getting on my nerves. I guess I’ll go check on her, but I gotta take a dump first.”

    (Story to be continued by someone else…)

  11. One day we will have Hillary zipping around in a Captain Pike Chair flashing her Red or Green light at questions.
    Her chair will also have a credit card slot, and a receptacle for hard currency.

  12. (And the story continues…)

    Agent Phil was sitting on Hillary’s special “Hail To The Chief” decorated commode in her downstairs bathroom when he began hearing loud thumps above his head. Looking up, he noticed a thin layer of broken glass was taped to the ceiling and bits of it were falling on the floor with each thump.

    “Wally?! Did Special Agent Jimmy say she was asleep before he left?”

    “No, he came down the stairs in a hurry and said ‘I’m outta here.’ He looked funny, though.”

    “Well, sumpin’s going on up there!”

    Phil flushed the quarter pounder down the tube, washed up and headed up stairs. At the top, he noticed Ms. Clinton was…

    (Story to be continued by someone else…)

  13. dressed in a negligee and beckoning him to join her.

    He turned and ran out the front door and started yelling “Freeedom!” as he crossed the threshold. He would have made it if it wasn’t for the trap door that opened up while he was in mid-yell. It was 10 foot drop before sliding into a long tunnel that dumped him into muck and pitch blackness.

    He got a good whiff as he caught his breath.

    “Oh NO!!” he thought to himself, It’s true! I’ve landed in..

    (Story to be continued by someone else…)

  14. Agents Phil and Wally snapped into action when Hillary’s heart monitor went to flat line and immediately called supervisor Jimmy. Should they resuscitate? Use the paddles? We are bureaucrats unable to act without direct orders.
    The call went to a voicemail stating that he would out of the office until next Tuesday.

    And they lived happily ever after.

    The end.

    (Unless you have a happier ending. In which case, toss my ending. And proceed)

  15. I like your ending, PHenry, but Dadof4’s theme needs to be integrated first.

    How does Wally extract Phil from Hillary’s Pit Of Doom?

    Does Wally ‘go down on her‘ there, too?

    Is it all just a bad dream?

    Stay tuned, folks, as someone at iOTWReport winds these threads around her neck together!

  16. the missing gap….

    “Oh NO!!” he thought to himself, It’s true! I’ve landed in..

    … the Hell Bitch’s dead-body disposal tank! I’m doomed”. Just then Wally appeared at the top of the trap door with a grappling hook, tossed it down, snagged Phil by the balls … of his shoes, & hoisted him to dripping, ignoble safety.

    Safety for both agents was beckoning, but they realized their duty pensions were on the line & sprung into action. Running back up the stairs they agreed to flip a coin as to which one would have to ‘take one for the team’ & ‘service’ Hillary. The other one would be in charge of hosing the other one down & de-lousing.

    When they reached the top of the stairs they immediately noticed the fetid, desiccated, naked form of the Hildabeast gaping at them, staring them in their eyes. It was all they could do to keep their cheap, provided-for (by Bill), McDonald Meals down. They reached back, in their minds, & relied on there crack agent training to realize that the She-Beast must be in cardiac arrest. They grabbed the de-fib machine, not noticing the glaring air-gap between the wall outlet & the machine cord

    … & made the call ….

  17. Hey, guys! I think we have a best seller! We will need to share the royalties:

    PHenry, Jimmy, Claudia, Uncle Al, Dadof4, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    I can see the money pouring in. Who will play the hero in the movie version of our novel?

  18. Claudia, like Hillary herself, this confabulation needs to be coagulated, written up stitched together and submitted to the court of public opinion. Lock her up!

    PHenry is the instigator and inspirator of this dossier!

    But I also think ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ wrapped it up like a true wordsmith.

  19. Love these Granny Clinton tales. LOL! It would be great if they could keep them going.
    BTW, All of you do realize they go on forever. If it were possible (Thank God, it’s not), Granny Clinton would claw her way out of the grave, still dressed in her burial pantsuit, clutching one shoe and dragging herself in the direction of the White House.

  20. I’m just glad she didn’t put her damn feet up on the desk.
    Can you imagine the odor?
    A spicy mix of Charlie the Tuna and Shaq’s Nikes.
    Ugh, think I made myself a little sick.


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