Grant Stinchfield reacts to TIME exposé – IOTW Report

Grant Stinchfield reacts to TIME exposé

Coordinated effort to take down Trump’ – Grant Stinchfield examines the TIME exposé on the Dems ‘shadow campaign’ against Donald Trump – via Newsmax TV’s ‘STINCHFIELD.’ 3 mins.

17 Comments on Grant Stinchfield reacts to TIME exposé

  1. HAHAHA,Time magazine tells me that OH NOES that dastardly Trump tried & tried to steal that election but THANK GOD the oligarchs & “sensible” state AGS/Govs went ahead, with out the LAWFUL consent of the rubes, and changed their election law procedures, yaknow cause of the Rona.

    Oh those pesky videos that showed trucks backing up after the count was halted and suitcases…wait, BALLOT BOXES…sorry, they were 100% on the up and up.

    Ignored court orders to allow R polling place overseers to observe the count? oops, my bad.

    Evidence of mathematical impossibilities and forensic proof of massive ballot fraud dismissed as “no standing” or lack of evidence.

    Please nigga

    And now that they have the power, you think voter ID or any kind of registration restrictions are going to fly??? HAHAHA You’re gonna be able to p/u ballots at the 7-11.

  2. Yes it’s too late to uninstall Beijing Biden but the info is being made public and more obvious.
    I am watching Mike Lindell’s 2 hr video. (On Rumble of course) He puts the info in one place and even though I’ve been following this all along there is info I hadn’t seen or known.

  3. SHOCK! Is that supposed to be our reaction to this ‘expose?

    Been there, heard that, and my favorite, “ What difference does it make, at this point?”

    You can ‘catch’ them any old way you want; video, eyewitnesses, whistleblowers; victim testimony; any old way you want and it won’t make a difference until WE MAKE IT A DIFFERENCE.

    Hand wringing, blaming the lame brained voters, whatever, if WE want it to stop, then we need to step up front and ensure this stops. How the hell did the GOP election watchers get locked out? Why didn’t they stay. Capitulate Mitch (either of them) has led the way too long.

    Time to work as hard with integrity, as they do without it! Start taking America back, just like the commie assholes have done.

    And for heavens sake! Write, email, call those bastards in congress to TAKE DOWN THAT FENCE!!

    WHAT THE HELL? East DC/East Berlin? What a freaking horror show this worthless congress is! Get the out of the sandbox!

  4. Secession? Dream the fuck on. No way in the world would REgressives let the people who grow their food, fix their toilets and repair power outages much less pay trillions in taxes, have some peace on earth.

    Either them or us have gotta be eliminated. Why in the world do you think they’re honing in on our weapons? In Sparta, helots having a weapon were immediately executed. Same in Nazi Germany after 1938.

    Seeing a connection across the centuries?

    Nah, it’s for the children, right???? HAHAHA

  5. It fills me with pride in Lynn Cheney for standing up for principles, against the will of 74% of the voters in her state.

    Now she and the impotent Sen Barasso loudly proclaim that they won’t stand by while all the jobs in fossil fuels and mining are lost! (About the only decent jobs WY had)

    Hear that? They won’t stand by !

    Forget how you witnessed them do nothing while President Trump, who did so much to undo the treachery of Obozo, twisted in the wind. NOW, they intend to stand up. Up, they say.

  6. BTW, Sen Barasso, MD couldn’t proclaim often enough and loud enough, for months, that the very first day President Trump took office there would be a Bill to sign repealing 0Bozocare completely.

    I realize that blowhard Senators like RINO Barasso accomplish so much that I can’t keep up, but could someone post a link, so we can all admire that FULL REPEAL OF THAT big f’-n deal ACA ??

    President Trump was the ONLY national politician that kept his word on campaign promises DESPITE the Dems AND the GOPes.
    He necessarily did it via EO, because these lowlifes have done next to nothing for decades, except enrich themselves and mock their constituents.

  7. only if you read the words of the Constitution.

    BTW, it wasn’t meant to be read, according to our corruptocrats, It’s only meant to wrap yourself in when you’re lying on TV or out on the campaign.

    And worst thing is, they are almost all friggin LAWYERS !


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