Grassley And Johnson Request FBI Director Wray Turn Over All FBI Records On Crossfire Hurricane – IOTW Report

Grassley And Johnson Request FBI Director Wray Turn Over All FBI Records On Crossfire Hurricane

Sara A Carter:

Two powerful GOP Senators sent a letter Thursday to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting all the records from the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team, which investigated the now debunked theory that President Donald Trump’s campaign conspired with Russia during the 2016 election.

Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, who have been investigating the circumstances surrounding the FBI’s investigation and alleged malfeasance in obtaining Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrants to spy on then Trump campaign official Carter Page, made the request in a letter.

The senators stated in the letter that “on January 28, 2020, we wrote to Attorney General Barr and requested the declassification of four footnotes in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report about the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

“Since then, we received declassified versions of those and other footnotes, and they reveal disturbing facts about the FBI’s investigation: the Crossfire Hurricane team’s investigative file included at least two intelligence reports stating that key parts of the reporting from Christopher Steele—reporting that “played a central and essential role” in the decision to request FISA orders —were part of a Russian disinformation campaign,” the pair added. more

27 Comments on Grassley And Johnson Request FBI Director Wray Turn Over All FBI Records On Crossfire Hurricane

  1. “Request”? what about a fucking demand, you have 24 hours before we march you off to jail! What the hell is it going to take before the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS take us seriously?!?!

  2. WHO exactly do these motherfuckers work for???? Either it is us (We the people) who pay them……. or it is somebody else! We have a few choices, stop paying taxes or kill the fucking traitors! Pretty fucking simple.

  3. The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they are continuing to grind, and grind, and grind. I am certain there will never be true justice (that whole justice delayed, justice denied thing), but this is still necessary. Future generations need to understand what happened.

  4. Joe6pak,
    I don’t know about how real my projection is, but it is based on faith that ultimately, the truth will come out. This country has gone through some very difficult times. Even more difficult and frightening than our current situation. I just believe it.

  5. “History is Written by Victors.” The quote gets attributed to Winston Churchill, but its origins are unknown. It implies that history is not grounded in facts, rather it’s the winners’ interpretation of them that prevails. The victors can force their narrative down on the people.
    If future generations are going to have a clue as to what is going on we better start fighting with the intent on winning this war.

  6. The Founders knew it would be a miracle if what they envisioned and tried to bring into reality held together for very long. That’s why we continue to refer to “the American Experiment.” It takes an informed, spiritually-grounded citizenry of every single generation to pull this off.

    The Founders knew that man’s justice would never equal God’s perfect justice, but it was worth striving for. We can’t give up.

  7. There were two enormous red flags about Wray: Both parties liked him. His hair-do. It made him look like a middle manager type who couldn’t afford a proper haircut.

  8. Sorry, I’m fully focused on the attack of the Covid-19 Chinese bat beast this year. Isn’t that what they want us do?? This justice is just around the corner story is just old news that keeps bubbling up from the mire.

  9. Maybe congress could contract with Judicial Watch to get the documents for them; they have a better track record. Of course whoever gets the docs, the most incriminating parts will be blacked-out.

  10. “Maybe congress could contract with Judicial Watch…”

    Congress is the problem. Except for a handful of conservatives, it’s a private business, much like the NYPD was a private business during the time Off. Frank Serpico tried to expose it.

    Maybe Seth Rich was killed because he was going to expose corruption. Epstein was DEFINITELY killed for fear he was going to expose pedophelia in the highest levels of international government.

    AG Barr: “Huh?”


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