Grassley Questions Horowitz About FBI Raid on Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Grassley Questions Horowitz About FBI Raid on Whistleblower

CTH: Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has always worked earnestly to protect whistleblowers; it is a subject near and dear to his heart.  Against the backdrop of an unexpected raid on the home of an approved and protected whistleblower named Dennis Nathan Cain, Senator Grassley writes to Inspector General Horowitz:


12 Comments on Grassley Questions Horowitz About FBI Raid on Whistleblower

  1. I’m still waiting for the BIG happening re swamp cleaning that was hinted at by Sean Geraldo Rivera Hannity!, breaking MONDAY. Oh, not THIS Monday? ‘Never mind’.

  2. @ Svejk
    Can the military operate domestically? I may be wrong but I don’t think they can. Any info gathered by military would have to be turned over to domestic services {FBI} right into the wrong hands.

  3. “Though it didn’t catch much traction on another thread, this article may shed some light on Horowitz and whistleblowers:”

    So Q left Chan, regrouped, and landed in the blogosphere. Good to know. Respectfully, Q monetized and mislead thousands. To continue the farce is not helpful.

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