Grassroots Group Begins Filing to Defund CA Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Grassroots Group Begins Filing to Defund CA Sanctuary Cities

Breitbart: Initial papers have been filed as part of an effort to take action at a local level to defund California sanctuary cities one by one starting in the city of Cudahy.

Federal officials have repeatedly warned sanctuary cities that their federal funds could cease if they refuse to cooperate with federal immigration law. While letters have been issued the process has yet to deprive sanctuary cities of funds based on their sanctuary status.

This past Tuesday Joseph Turner filed paperwork to launch an initiative that could deprive the city of Cudahy of 13.5 percent of their general revenue funds. Turner told Breitbart News that this is part of a larger effort to defund sanctuary cities. He filed the new initiative under Prop 218 as a utility tax repeal.

Turner told the local Fox11 News that his effort could “attack 13.5 percent of their revenue base” for a mere “couple hundred bucks and less than a hundred signatures.”  read more

6 Comments on Grassroots Group Begins Filing to Defund CA Sanctuary Cities

  1. Good, how can my elected officials flaunt the law and refuse to obey it? They have zero authority to do ignore the law. If I tried the same thing I would be in prison. Hey, there’s an idea. Let’s suspend the legal protections for elected officials and start incarcerating them for disobeying the law. If they get raped in prison, that’s a bonus.

  2. This is the msg I left on the WH website;
    Governor Jerry Brown showed great disrespect to the President after the withdrawal for the Paris agreement by calling the President a “deviant.” This is just the latest in a long line of insults and disregard for Federal Law and the Constitution by this state. I’m disappointed that there have been no repercussions coming from the WH or DOJ. California and Jerry Brown are completely out of control and run a one party state through corruption. It’s flagrant violation of immigration law, sanctuary status for illegals, trampling of 2nd Amendment rights, over-stepping on environmental issues, taxes called “fees” to avoid voter approval are just some of the things Californians have to live with because we have no voice.
    Please start a federal investigation into the state’s violations of the Constitution and cut off all funding.

    ( I left out that our voting rights were taken away by back room re-districting carried out by the dems. This is another issue the crooked courts refuse to condemn.)

  3. We’ve been considerably more trusting of politicians that they ever deserved, and they’ve been incredibly more undeserving of our trust than we ever imagined.
    Ever consider that the 20 trillion deficit isn’t debt, but theft?
    All we know is what we’re told, and most of that is bullshit.

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