Gravy Train Flows Wide And Deep At Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Agency – IOTW Report

Gravy Train Flows Wide And Deep At Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Agency

DC: Pay is flowing so generously at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that hundreds of bureaucrats there receive more than most members of Congress.

The Senate majority and minority leaders are paid $193,000 annually. Two hundred and one CFPB employees outdo Sens. Mitch McConnell and Charles Schumer in pay.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin receives $223,000 per year, but that’s less than what 54 CFPB employees are paid.

Another 170 CFPB employees earn more than the secretaries of defense and state, the attorney general and the director of national intelligence. All cabinet salaries are capped at $199,700, but not at the bureau. Thirty-nine CFPB employees earn more than the $230,000 paid to Vice President Mike Pence.

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15 Comments on Gravy Train Flows Wide And Deep At Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Agency

  1. Just thinking how Elizabeth Warren will play this as a great tragedy when she runs for President warms my soul. I can’t wait to see her defending this worthless, money sucking, waste of good office space. She will be disowned by the Eskimos before this is over.

  2. E.Warren is a little ahead of Hillary in the race to be crowned the most irritating & annoying woman in the federal government. But Hillary still holds the lead by a wide margin at being the most corrupt.

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