Great Evil Is Roaming the Streets of America – IOTW Report

Great Evil Is Roaming the Streets of America

Discern Report:
America’s societal decline appears to be accelerating.  Hordes of predators are roaming our streets, drug addiction has risen to unprecedented levels, and crime is completely out of control.  Some of the things that I am about to share with you are deeply disturbing.  But we must face what is happening to us as a society, because we are in danger of losing everything.  America is literally disappearing right in front of our eyes, and it is being replaced by a horror show.

Sadly, I am not exaggerating one bit.

A 29-year-old man named Negasi Zuberi recently kidnapped a woman in Seattle and took her 450 miles away to his house in southern Oregon

A Klamath Falls man is in custody after a woman escaped from a makeshift cinder block cell in his garage, the FBI of Portland says.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation 29-year-old, Negasi Zuberi (aka Sakima, Justin Hyche and Justin Kouassi), traveled from his home in Klamath Falls to Seattle on July 15. Once in Seattle, Zuberi posed as an undercover police officer and paid the woman for sex.

The victim told police that Zuberi pointed a taser at her, put her in handcuffs and leg irons before putting her in the back of his car.

This literally sounds like a plot from a horror movie. Once they arrived at his house, Zuberi put her into a “cinderblock cell” that he had already constructed. MORE HERE

18 Comments on Great Evil Is Roaming the Streets of America

  1. Now where did he get an idea like that? Perhaps from America’s Great Dumpster of Filth, Hollywood? Possibly?

    I think that was in a movie about a Cannibal…The “entertainment” industry puts it out first, then impressionable low-life’s pick it up and put evil ideas into practice.

  2. @ Tim Buktu

    I get your sentiment, however, by your logic there should be a contingent of young men with their eyes gouged out after having killed their fathers and having sex with their mothers (Oedipus Rex – 429BC).

    I’ve got a feeling there’s a much deeper problem at play. Just my 2 cents, though.

  3. “Stay away from gun controlled areas”

    I carry in stores posted. All they can do is ask you to leave. If I now where going to one I’ll use an appendix holster. You can carry a cannon undetected with one of those. It’s just a bitch when you eventually need to sit down.

  4. I’ve been carrying edged weapons as well as my Sig when I take my GSD along the ocean at night. Lots of fucking weirdos out there and I’m not ceding any ground to them. My Gladius over the shoulder and my skinning blade over my inside left ankle, that fucker is past razor sharp. My K-Bar is just too big for my ankle holster and with a Gladius, kinda redundant.

  5. I’m fighting our own local evil from a bunch of idiots that say it’s okay if they hold a drag show, the state commander told them it didn’t break bylaws. Anyone who can read this and say the state commander is on board with it are idiots, which they seem to be.

    We have been in contact with the State Department of the American Legion. Here is a letter from the state JAG. Personally, like many at Post 182, does not condone the event, there is nothing at the State Department or National level that says this event goes against bylaws or constitution of either.

    In reply to your recent request regarding a fundraising activity to be held 12 August 2023 at your Post. The position of the American Legion, both National and Department is that the proposed fundraiser is indeed a legal activity and that there is nothing in either the National or Department Constitution and Bylaws that prevents such activities from taking place. The National HQ of the American Legion is well aware of the number of LGBTQ members that are today members of our military, in fact the % of Gay soldiers is at or near the 6% range of our active total force. In May of 2022 the National Committee adopted Resolution #10 asking Congress to pass legislation to provide mental health services to the LGBTQ Veterans.
    I would assume that LGBTQ activities are not well received by the majority of our department membership and hosting said event will indeed upset many members not only there in Post 182 but probably the Pryor community as well, so I would suggest, and this is only a suggestion that your fundraising committee keep the advertisement as low key as possible. As the State Judge Advocate I myself do not condone this type of event but from my professional JAG position have to say it is what it is and there is nothing illegal about hosting this event.
    Ronald L. Gott
    American Legion
    Department of Oklahoma


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