Great moments in Liberal history – IOTW Report

Great moments in Liberal history

liberal history

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5 Comments on Great moments in Liberal history

  1. And then they invented the word free/dumb. The right to be freely dumb because you believe all their lies about all the free shit they promise but never deliver on. It takes a special kind of idiot to believe everything progtards say. Can’t you just imagine William Wallace yelling FREE/DUMB at the top of his lungs as he’s being drawn and quartered by his executioners?

  2. 1.6 X 2 = 3.2 gallons. For the Bernie readers, that means you have to use almost a quarter of a gallon more than the End Of Times toilet, which was awesome. Which is why you morons had to kill it.

    Sometimes you have to flush 3 times.

    And an Obama still floats to the top of the damn thing.

    So dumb.

  3. We installed “waterless” urinals in the House of Reps, at a cost of $1,200 each (the cost of the urinal, not the cost of the installation), and started to remove them before they were all installed.

    One of Nancy Pelosi’s grand schemes.

    Another was to use the water from the Tiber to fill the fountains (to “save” water) – but that started after I retired.

    Another was to convert the Longworth Bldg. from steam to hot water heat. The Heat of Vaporization is 640 cal/ccm while water’s Heat Capacity is 1 cal/ccm. Not only that, but we told them that the cost of Asbestos Remediation was going to be astronomical (the estimates were in the $Billions).

    Fuckin morons – no common sense – no scientific (or trades) background – no one to offer facts (they surround themselves with “yes” men and sycophants) – and a complete unwillingness to listen to anyone who MAY know more than they.

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