Great white shark killed woman in Maine – IOTW Report

Great white shark killed woman in Maine

Is still on the loose.

32 Comments on Great white shark killed woman in Maine

  1. Dude got worked over pretty good down the road from my cousin’s ranch on Tuesday. It didn’t kill him, but it didn’t do him no good either.

    Grizzly Attack Victim Videos His Exposed Bones Immediately After Bear Encounter “Just In Case He Didn’t Survive”

    They move back and forth on the prairie. They like ripe grain, beer barley seems to be a favorite. They will sit on their ass and rake it into their mouth with their fore paws. They will take the door off a grain bin pretty easy or screw up a combine getting at what is left in the thresher.

  2. JDHasty
    JULY 31, 2020 AT 12:11 AM

    …was he wearing the small silver bells you’re supposed to wear in bear country, and carrying pepper spray?

    “Montana Grizzly Bear Notice:

    In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear conflicts, the Montana Department of Fish and Game
    is advising hikers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra
    precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field.
    We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on their clothing so as not to startle the bears that aren’t expecting them. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry
    pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear.

    It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear
    activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop is smaller and contains a lot of berry seeds and squirrel fur.
    Grizzly bear poop has little bells in it and smells like pepper spray.”

  3. The grizzlies move out of Glacier and The Bob in the summer. They will go all the way down to the Little Belts and I think they have even gone over into the Judith Basin. They can hang on the prairie all summer if left alone, but if they don’t decamp after a couple days they usually try and trap them in a pipe trap. They got bad attitudes and really aren’t fit company for man or livestock.

  4. The Bob, must be the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. One of my best friends guided 7-10 day horse back Elk hunts there. We could never get our schedules to work out, pulling hitches in Alaska and families and all. He told us some great Bob stories though.

  5. @ Supernightshade JULY 31, 2020 AT 12:18 AM

    Nobody jokes about them too much who lives in that country. They can make themselves disappear in standing wheat or Timothy and be on a person who has no idea they are there pronto. That one was actually up by Dutton, more than Choteau. Just north of my cousin’s headquarters a few miles.

    That is where I was with the kids a couple weeks ago. My cousin has a couple reservoirs and tracks are found there frequently enough for bears to be a concern. Black bears really aren’t such a high risk. It’s really only the grizzlies anyone’s gets worked up about.

    My other cousin’s outfit is tucked right up agin the Sun River Game Range right outside of Augusta. That is more their traditional range until the last couple decades.

    They cause lots of problems.

  6. @ joe6pak JULY 31, 2020 AT 12:31 AM

    Yes sir. My late cousin Tom guided in The Bob. It is magnificent. We talked with guys from Utah who were headed up to Chinese Wall with a pack string. I think they had 24 horses and mules in their trailers. They were in Augusta, the kids and I were out trying to find a big deer or two. We did find a hell of a pronghorn buck that evening, but no big bucks.

  7. JDHasty
    JULY 31, 2020 AT 12:40 AM

    …fair enough, but if I didn’t have black humor, I wouldn’t have any. I’ve joked my way around life-threatening situations, during emergencies, when in severe personal danger, and while saving lives for a half-century now, so I’m not likely to change. I’m also not a great person to take to a funeral for the same reason, and the eulogy is best left to someone else for ditto, unless I can read it verbatim and can keep from smirking when my dark humor pops up on certain trigger words in my mind.

    I go to East Tennessee a lot, wife has kin there, so I don’t know about grizzlies but I do know about black bears. Had to physically restrain my young nephew once when he wanted to light out after a bear cub that was snacking out of the condo dumpster because I saw Moms and he didn’t, but she SURE as hell saw US, and she wasn’t slow, either…

    …so not making light of the real danger of bear attacks, but car accidents and knife wounds to name but two are very real dangers in my world too, and I’ve joked them down as well, not around victims, but later. It’s a coping mechanism for the dangers of life that is ingrained in my personality, so no offense intended but when confronted with life’s tragedies I can either laugh or cry, and I’m not that great at crying, makes my nose run, my glasses fog, and gets my shirt all damp and salty…

  8. I understand. Black bears if you crowd them have two modes fight or flight. And they mostly vamoose themselves unless cornered or cubs threatened. Grizzlies seem to prefer to go on offense.

    I don’t know the cat that got worked over, but most ranchers have had as bad or worse from getting hooked up with cattle or machinery. It’s kinda part of the job. That being said, it is better to not have a grizzly hanging around. If one is around you want to know about it and be real cautious. They are so damn fast that they can be on a person just like that.

  9. JDHasty JULY 31, 2020 AT 1:05 AM

    Are grizzlies protected, or can you shoot them? The joke in the mountains for protected black bears is that they are always coming right at you if the game warden asks…

  10. “Still on the loose”. Lol. Last seen in Portland running with Antifa. It’s a shark for Christ’s sake. An apex predator, and that poor woman was dressed like a seal. White Sharks have one hell of a range, and this was several days ago. Interesting that publication filed the story under “Entertainment”

  11. “White” shark … see? … dirty racist bastard!

    Oh, wait, she was “white” too … don’t worry about it …
    Privilege don’t mean much when you’re both the same color.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Saw the aftermath of a great white attack. Was working in the pier. Every evening a dive class would come out.

    Even though the pier was used exclusively by fishing boats.

    Great White bit some ladies head off. 20 feet of water. 60 feet from shore. 12 feet below me.

    Not sure why great whites would be way the fudge up in Maine. Sorry ma’am.

  13. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into ya, right into your eyes. Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then… aww, then you hear that terrible, high-pitched screamin’, the ocean turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and… rip ya to pieces

  14. Rick, try to keep your hillbilly rantings over on the other thread. Now your just stalking me with your hand down your pants.

    I’m flattered…but you seem a lil’ needy.

  15. I was diving in Hawaii a few years ago and we saw a great white. Great experience and I cannot tell you how glad I was that there was at least one diver between me and the shark 🙂

  16. We have an abundance of harbor seals in Maine right now. The woman was wearing a black wetsuit and swimming about 90 yards off shore. The kayakers who brought her in said the shark hit her like you see on shark week videos when they’re hunting seals. It took a big bite and left her. The shark thought it was attacking a seal.
    Although I think some of the sharks are going nuts as they are killing seals and not eating them. They are washing up on shore.

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