Greece: Train conductor was told to ignore a red light before a head-on crash killed 57 – IOTW Report

Greece: Train conductor was told to ignore a red light before a head-on crash killed 57

KPCC: Greek authorities released a new recording on Thursday that shed light on what may have caused one of the country’s worst railway wrecks in history.

In the audio, a station manager appears to instruct a driver to “pass the red signal” before that train collided head-on with another on Tuesday night local time, near the city of Larissa in northern Greece, according to Greek news media.

At least 57 people have died as a result of the crash and 48 remain in the hospital — including seven who are being treated in intensive care units as of Friday morning.

The station master already had been arrested and charged with manslaughter by negligence prior to the recording.

Initially the 59-year-old Hellenic Train employee denied any wrongdoing and blamed the incident on a technical error. But investigators found evidence that the station manager failed to switch the rail line before a passenger train and a freight train wound up heading toward each other on the same tracks. Later, Greek authorities said the station master admitted to mishandling the situation. MORE

11 Comments on Greece: Train conductor was told to ignore a red light before a head-on crash killed 57

  1. A FedEx plane was ordered to land on top of a Southwest Airlines 737 in Austin, too, by an apparent Affirmative Action hire controller.

    He refused, so everyone lived.

    You are ultimately responsible for not doing dumb things, no matter who tells you to.

    Losing your job is better than killing yourself and others to be a good little employee.

    The guy giving the orders may be an idiot.

    But its your hand on the tiller and your ultimate responsibility to use it wisely.

  2. “Many of the passengers were students returning from Carnival, a three-day festival that precedes the religious season of Lent, according to the Associated Press.”

    …so, many may have died after three days of deliberate sinning, but before the part where they supposedly repent.

    I hope that isn’t the way it was.

    But this is why you can’t act like the devil on Saturday and a saint on Sunday.

    Because you might not make it to Sunday.

    Pray I’m wrong, but I’ve seen the aftermath of Carnival in NOLA.

    I hope they had time to seek His face before the accident forced their departure.

    The line between life and death can be sharp and quick, quicker than you can even have time to process.

    And keep in mind that you don’t have to be the one making a mistake to die of one.

  3. “…Hundreds of people from left-wing groups marched on Wednesday to protest the train deaths…”

    …because they’d be less dead under Communism?

    …the history of transportation accidents in Communist countries tends to not support that, but they never let a “good” crisis go to waste…

  4. He was told to ignore a red light. Who gives that order, other than someone wanting to cause a disastrous crash?

    What possible reason could one have to run a red light on a train track?!

  5. Not only did one train “run a red light”, the second train had to have run the red also, right?

    Just curious, and off topic, is Greece also overrun with Muslim “immigrants”, like every other EU country? Maybe there is a connection?

  6. “But its your hand on the tiller and your ultimate responsibility to use it wisely.”

    Idly thinking about the wording you used.

    Using a tiller is a sailing term. Been there, won the trophies.

    You pilot a boat with the tiller. You’re the driver.

    Very apt phrasing for flying a plane. Really no difference. No stretch.

  7. Dadof4
    MARCH 5, 2023 AT 9:02 PM
    “But its your hand on the tiller and your ultimate responsibility to use it wisely.”

    …I was thinking in terms of the responsibilities of being a captain of a ship and how they translate into a cockpit and should translate into controlling ANY large thing that moves.

    Or even small things. I can’t defend myself against a traffic ticket by saying someone yelled at me to move although the law says I shouldn’t. I don’t see why that would differ on a train.

    Congrats on winning boating trophies. Water gets up my nose myself. Never captained anything larger than a rental potoon boat on a county flood control lake, and they don’t give a lot of trophies for that…althogh considering the amount of distaff whining that involves, maybe they should…


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