Greek archbishop tells the truth about Islam, Muslim leaders enraged – IOTW Report

Greek archbishop tells the truth about Islam, Muslim leaders enraged


(FRONT PAGE MAG) – Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all Greece touched off a firestorm in mid-January when he dared to note, according to the Orthodox Times, that “Islam was not a religion but a political party.” He added: “They are the people of war.” In response, Muslim leaders the world over have rained down condemnations upon the archbishop. He spoke inaccurately when he said that Islam was not a religion at all, but proof that he was wrong about Islam having a political aspect has not been forthcoming.

Muslims in Greece were outraged. The Western Thrace Turkish Minority Consultation Council (BTTADK) declared: “We condemn the statement of the Archbishop of Greece, Mr. Ieronimos….We hope a more peaceful language to be used instead of anti-Islamic discourse in such difficult times of pandemic.” more

[China Virus]
[Election was fraudulent]

20 Comments on Greek archbishop tells the truth about Islam, Muslim leaders enraged

  1. Steve Brown: “By the same token, I would say that the modern democrat party is not a political party but a religion!”

    I think you misspelled “untreated mental health crisis”. They’re absolutely bat-shit crazy.

  2. I remember the religion of peace massacuring thousands of innocents when ‘some people did something’ on 9/11/2001. I also remember the religion of peace murdering and maiming Americans in iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Mogadishu, the list of shit hole muzz countries are endless.


    You third world douchebags have absolutely NO moral authority. You are third world savages that need to be exterminated. And your soil salted.

    Sadly, we didn’t finish the job.

  3. Mohammadmen’s goal is to impose their barbaric totalitarian pseudotheocracy on the whole world and kill anybody who resists or fails to pay for the privilege of continued life. For them, violence and deceit are tenets, and thus taken for granted.

  4. They are the Arian heresy – heretics banned by the three Nicene Councls of the 4th century – that went to the Arabian peninsula, trying to convince the uneducated that Jesus was, “a plasma being,” who beamed up “particle only” or some such at His death. 🙄

    The FINALLY found a wild-eyed inbred, who bought into this load of Bide-… I mean, “malarkey” – in the early 7th century, and we’ve been plagued by the heretic Arius & his bastard progeny ever since. 😟

  5. You’re right @uncle al. Seems that democrats chose to ignore the admonitions of former presidents who were wiser than themselves. Like POTUS 3. Aka Thomas Jefferson.

    He knew more about muzz than fake potus 46.


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