Greeks attacked with explosives by muslim mobs in terrifying night of violence – IOTW Report

Greeks attacked with explosives by muslim mobs in terrifying night of violence

GellerReport: More interfaith dialogue from the religion of peaceniks. This is why people voted for Trump: because the party of treason vowed to import this here.

MIGRANT CAMP ABLAZE: Greeks attacked with fireworks by mob in terrifying night of violence

By Rebecca Perring, The Express, Nov 17, 2016



A massive brawl broke out at Souda migrant camp in Greece at aorund 11pm (local time) and at least four people were rushed to hospital. Riot police have arrested at least 50 people after angry clashes.

Maurading refugees reportedly smashed through a local store and stole fireworks to launch them at local residents.


8 Comments on Greeks attacked with explosives by muslim mobs in terrifying night of violence

  1. You can take the muslim out of the 7th century,
    But you can’t take the 7th century out of the muslim.

    Obama’s final transformation is in over-time with 10s of thousands of islamic “refugees” released throughout the United States.

    Obama’s lasting legacy of deceit, deception and destruction will outlast his lifetime.

  2. Those people are frustrated. Most of them are unwanted and living on charity, in tents, with few possessions, no jobs, and very little hope of the situation improving in the foreseeable future. And they can’t go home. Who wouldn’t riot sooner or later in circumstances like that?

    And yeah, I know they brought themselves there and all that, but it’s still human nature to want a better life. That’s why they fled a worse situation and went there to start with. The big elephant in the room question that nobody seems to want to ask is why don’t their better-off Muslim brethren (Saudi Arabia comes to mind) take them in, since they have plenty of unoccupied land and the money to do so. And of course the answer is that they don’t want them either, and (unlike us) they would have no problem with shooting the lot of them if they tried to cross the border.

    Sucks to be a Christian in situations like this, doesn’t it? (note: sarcasm)


  3. Greeks are a slow burn (traditionally) but when inflamed can be extremely destructive – the longer they wait, the more brutal they become.
    (see Melos and the Peloponnesean War or the Communist rising after WWII)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. These ‘people’ did not come as immigrants or refugees, they came as invaders. That was the intent from the start. The only reason they haven’t already done worse is because they haven’t had the means. This was the ‘best’ they could do with the materials at hand.

    The question no one asks is “Why did all these military-age men leave their women and children unprotected at home? Weren’t they worried about their safety? Would not most men do just about anything to protect and preserve their families?”

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