Green Beret Charged With Alleged Murder Of Taliban Bomb Maker – IOTW Report

Green Beret Charged With Alleged Murder Of Taliban Bomb Maker

DC: The U.S. Army charged a Fort Bragg Green Beret with allegedly murdering a man who he suspected was a bomb maker for the Taliban.

Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn was charged with allegedly shooting and killing the suspected bomb maker in 2010, Task and Purpose reported Thursday. He was deployed with the 3rd Special Forces Group at the time of the alleged incident, according to Army Times.

Golsteyn has been charged with premeditated murder and could face the death penalty, Golsteyn’s attorney, Phillip Stackhouse, told the Times.

“Maj. Golsteyn is being charged with the murder of an Afghan male during his 2010 deployment to Afghanistan,” U.S. Army Special Operations Command spokesman Lt. Col. Loren Bymer told Task and Purpose Thursday.

Golsteyn is a “humble servant-leader who saved countless lives, both American and Afghan, and has been recognized repeatedly for his valorous actions,” Stackhouse said of his client, the Times reported.

The Army revoked Golsteyn’s Silver Star in February 2015, pending an investigation into whether he killed the alleged Taliban bomb maker while serving in Afghanistan, according to The Fayetteville Observer.

The Army investigated the alleged incident but initially found no evidence proving Golsteyn had committed a crime. He was placed on “excess leave” during the investigation, and reinstated for active duty service after a board of inquiry June 2015 recommendation, Task and Purpose reported.

The investigation was reopened after Golsteyn admitting he killed the man during an October 2016 interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier.  MORE

21 Comments on Green Beret Charged With Alleged Murder Of Taliban Bomb Maker

  1. “after Golsteyn admitting he killed the man during an October 2016”

    I guess that shit happens occasionally during a time of war. We need to find out who is responsible for reopening this bull shit and throw them a blanket party. Where’s Mattis?

  2. This guy should be given multiple medals for saving the lives of Americans.
    ‘Premeditated murder’ of someone who worked for the Taliban — as in the Taliban, whose leader was OBL, who premeditated the murder of 3000 people on 9/11/2001?

    This is beyond disgusting.

  3. @joe6pak December 14, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    > I’m beginning to believe that the corruption and the infiltration of bad guys in government is so great that it will not be peacefully rectified.

    As long as anyone is willing to call it, merely, an “infiltration”… not a chance.

  4. I spend over 22 months in Vietnam, everything concerning my duties and actions were premeditated with severe malice. My training, my orders, my duty and my intent was to destroy the enemy, their resources and their support structure.

    Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn actions saved many lives. He is to be commended, NOT prosecuted by the armchair, second guessing, perfumed princes, sitting behind a desk (REMFs), while others on the frontlines are putting their lives on the line to fulfill the mission.

  5. There is more to this story I heard from Dan Bongino yesterday. Trumped up charges by some under him who had been disciplined. This is wrong and he should be pardoned.

  6. “Maj. Golsteyn is being charged with the murder of an Afghan male during his 2010 deployment to Afghanistan,” U.S. Army Special Operations Command spokesman Lt. Col. Loren Bymer told Task and Purpose Thursday.

    uhhh, didn’t we go to afghanistan to kill people and stuff? O it during Barry OBUFODOO’s watch when the Taliban where official members of our guvmint.

  7. Would somebody kindly explain the definition of war to these idiots. May the Major just should have given the bad guy a time out and had him sit in the corner for an hour. Who ever started this investigation should be taken out and beaten severely and fed to the zoo animals. Sorry I just cant condone this insanity any further. Send all of these people there on their own and let them deal with it in their politically correct manner.

  8. The only deaths I care about are American deaths and preventing them. Our enemy choose asymmetrical warfare; I say we burn down their cities one by one until the renounce their death cult and execute any and all wild Mohammed-Monkeys in their midst.

    It should not be a hard sell- to all the Muslims who are crying about how these wild Mohammed-Monkeys have “hijacked Islam” this would be their chance to clean their own theological house. From their own rhetoric they should jump at the chance if they are telling the truth. And if they don’t- well then we are down to what General Lovell brought up about the only good Mohammed-Monkey is a dead Mohammed-Monkey.

    The idea of our warriors being litigated to death because we sent them into harms way gets my dander up and then I start thinking of ways to just make this mess end.


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