Green Card Danger: Feds Must ‘Get Smarter About’ Foreigners At NASA – IOTW Report

Green Card Danger: Feds Must ‘Get Smarter About’ Foreigners At NASA

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DailyCaller: FBI Director James Comey told Congress Wednesday federal officials must “get smarter” about allowing foreigners with green cards to “wander around” sensitive government facilities like NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia.

“I think the issue there is when green card holders wander around a space that’s not classified, what of America’s information can they see there,” Comey said in response to a question from Rep. Lou Barletta about the indictment of two NASA officials for allowing a Chinese national unlimited access to the NASA facility.  more here

h/t Mark

5 Comments on Green Card Danger: Feds Must ‘Get Smarter About’ Foreigners At NASA

  1. I remember when the FBI, Secret Service, and NASA were somewhat competent arms of the government, and the IRS was evil but kind of fair.
    Then Obama and the Democrats got hold of the government. Now dishonesty and incompetence reign supreme throughout the government, including these branches.

  2. More corruption, everywhere you turn. These assholes at NASA are selling access to the chinese. It is treason, but there are never any consequences. We are so screwed.

  3. I remember when you could take a tour of the Kellogg factory in Battle Creek, Mi. Then they stopped those tours to protect proprietary information. We’re talking cereal here, people!

    Our government secrets are less important than cereal?

    Perhaps we do need a savy businessman to clean up this mess.

  4. Yes we must get smarter…it’s still too difficult for our enemies to get in there! Lets send a limo so they don’t have to diminish their dignity by sneaking in. Its not FAIR to allow only good guys!

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