Green Groups Thwarting Geothermal Solutions to Energy Problems – IOTW Report

Green Groups Thwarting Geothermal Solutions to Energy Problems


Outdated regulations, political squabbles, and stubborn environmental activists have kept America from embracing a form of renewable power that could solve most of the country’s energy problems.

Geothermal technology harnesses energy from heat stored below Earth’s crust. Proponents say it could meet a major share of U.S. energy needs within the decade. But green groups have quietly lobbied against geothermal solutions, saying they weaken federal environmental protection standards.

Rep. Russ Fulcher (R., Idaho) and Sen. Jim Risch (R., Idaho) on Thursday introduced a bill that would make it easier for geothermal drilling projects to explore federal land. An earlier version of that bill was quietly shot down by Democrats. Sources say Democratic lawmakers privately supported the bill but feared their public support would lead to pushback from green groups. more here

14 Comments on Green Groups Thwarting Geothermal Solutions to Energy Problems

  1. “But green groups have quietly lobbied against geothermal solutions, saying they weaken federal environmental protection standards.”

    Make them cite the protections weakened, then make them make the case against a CLEAN ENERGY solution with a carbon footprint the size of Al Gore’s house.

  2. Selling Global warming, buys votes.
    Humans cause around 84% of wildfires in the US, so nature is responsible for 16%.
    How many cars does it take to offset one volcano?

    “They want to divert tens of trillions of dollars from solving known existing existential problems (poverty, hunger, violence, war, infectious disease, cancer research, pollution and over-fishing of our oceans, lack of adequate sanitation, education and clean water, etc.) in order to “fight” an unproven hypothetical future cataclysm.”

  3. Follow the opposing money source right back to China. Anything that makes doing business in the U.S. too expensive means more business for China. It only costs China a couple grand to shut down a billion dollar energy source in America. Thank your neighborhood environmentalists.

  4. The city I grew up in has its own power company. Back in the late ’70’s, they were involved in a pilot hot dry-rock geothermal power plant in Central Utah. Texaco put a wrench in the works, then bought the rights. They delayed development for decades.

    Hot dry-rock geothermal is problematic. Fracking has improved things quite a bit, but it is still pretty much like mining heat — it eventually plays out.

    Eco-fascists get pretty crazy when it comes to energy production. They don’t hesitate to install wind and solar farms, but hydroelectric, geothermal and nuclear are evil. Why isn’t the Sierra Club screaming bloody murder over the permanent destruction of precious desert tortoise habitat in Southern Nevada and the installation of bird and bat chopping, noisy, eyesore windmills throughout the West? Lest we forget, all those require hundreds of miles of new high tension wires and substations.

  5. Never been about the environment.
    Never will be.
    “Environmentalists” are simply the useful idiots to derail and destroy the economies of the West. They are Zealous Stooges whose ideology blinds them to reason. Those directing the movement and its associated stooges, the John Kerrys, &c, are the greatest polluters on Earth – likewise the greatest hypocrites.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I live in Klamath Falls, OR. I have a shallow well in my garage that heats my home and my hot water. We remove no water from the aquifer and the system is passive, circulates with convection. I believe in geothermal.


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