Green New Deal Guarantees Economic Security for Those ‘Unwilling to Work’ – IOTW Report

Green New Deal Guarantees Economic Security for Those ‘Unwilling to Work’

WFB: Framers of the “Green New Deal” released an overview of their attempt to drastically overhaul the U.S. economy and energy system, which included guaranteeing economic security for those “unwilling to work.”

Championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), the “Green New Deal” is likened to the goal set in the early 1960s by President John F. Kennedy for the U.S. to reach the moon. Its ultimate goal is “meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources,” and a complete transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy sources.

An overview document released Tuesday by Ocasio-Cortez’s office, which contains numerous typos, laid out what the Green New Deal sets out to do.

Proposals and promises include “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.” The Free Beacon has more details on the outline of the Democratic proposal here.

Ocasio-Cortez told NPR she had “no problem” saying that such an overhaul would be require “massive government intervention.”  more here


31 Comments on Green New Deal Guarantees Economic Security for Those ‘Unwilling to Work’

  1. LOL, John F. Kennedy was responsible for the hit on Che. Uh oh.

    John F. Kennedy would be considered ultra right today. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for the Socialist slime trying to take over our country”.

  2. I’ve got friends with gravy jobs that require no physical activity beyond showing up and they come home miserable as hell. I can spend a long day doing carpentry and come home tired and satisfied because I actually accomplished something.

  3. Zero emissions is code for the ultra rich socialists and the politicians can continue to fly jets and ride in gasoline powered vehicles because common core math. (And privilege)

  4. Brad, read that closer. She wants males to piss in a jug so she can use that for her juice. She must have a little Chelsea Handler in her. Us males can just turn on the tap for fresh water. For us country folk that have our own well and septic systems we are also not required to follow those “suggestions”. I’m thinking she is making more enemies than friends.

  5. newly created wealth

    Confiscation of wealth on high income earners via taxes and spent by big government on harebrained ideas somehow creates new wealth?

    Care to expand on that?

    last I looked, government doesn’t create wealth. Government destroys wealth.

  6. Joe6, I can’t even. As we all know, one of the many purposes of urine is to throw impurities off the body. I’m sure we’ve all seen the residue of piss that the water has been evaporated off of. Pretty chunky shit. She should put it in her salt shaker.
    Crazy ass shit going on here. The MSM is busting their balls trying to elevate her as the next Eva Peron. The MSM is anxious for the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. I don’t get it.

  7. I just watched Seattle local news, mostly so I could get the weather report for a MAJOR winter storm coming in tomorrow. One of the stories of course is the Green New Deal. The way the story was framed you can see what’s coming, the mean republicans want dirty air, water, and they don’t care about anyone but themselves. The hell with the environment. What a bunch of crap!

  8. joe6

    We might need to reconsider this because buried in AOC’s plan is free massage chairs for everyone. I’m serious. Watching the DNC right now is like watching the Three Stooges meet Bennie Hill.

  9. It is just 10 years ago that obama was set loose on our country with the intent to destroy it. Can you imagine if hillary had won in 2016 and then had this House of Representatives, and who knows about the senate. Its too scary to think about. We need to beat this Green New Deal down as hard and as fast as we can. These people are dangerous!

  10. Come on, now. She must be the star of a remake of IDIOCRACY.

    This idiot is a prime example of the product of the progressive ruination of education.

    Perhaps her parents were siblings?

  11. Time for the strides we’ve made in non-gender related mental disability acceptance since the 80’s needs to be acknowledged.
    Wasn’t AOC Corky’s sister on Life goes on?

  12. Ask not what your country can do for you
    Ask not what you can do for your country
    Ask only what you can do for yourself.

    Fixed it. Made it into something a free American should say.

  13. Healthy food???

    I don’t want my food healthy, I want my food cut and wrapped. I guess if I were into swallowing goldfish whole I might feel a bit different, but when field dressing dear, bear or elk the last thing I want is them to be any too healthy.

  14. “Championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), the “Green New Deal”….”

    Championed may not be the right word, exactly. But she is the Left’s effective mouthpiece.

    Look up “Justice Democrats” sometime and take a look at who is behind recruiting Cortez (I refuse to make her more of a “thing” by using her hip “AOC” handle). There you will find the constellation of her — and other newly-elected Leftists — backers. Before you write off just how much damage this Useful Idiot can do, you should probably know the connections and who’s responsible for her walking the halls of our Congress.

    We talk a lot these days about how the D party has been pushed Leftward, but there doesn’t seem to be much curiosity about how that has been done. Cortez is not an a one- or two-off. The Justice Democrats ran 79 candidates for Congress in the last mid-terms. 26 of them won their elections.

    It is reported that the leadership of the Justice Democrats is headed by the remnant of the Bernie Sanders campaign — and his financial backers, but there are other, better known, people and backers that you’ll recognize, as well.

    It’s the middle of the night here in Seattle and I’m tired, but maybe we here should contribute to the knowledge base of this new Leftist movement in order to know how to expose and defeat it. Ridicule of their candidates is effective, but not lethal. If you really don’t want to end up with a “Green New Deal” in your own bergs, we need to fight this much harder than just blogging and commenting about it. Looks like Florida and California are going to be the first to be hardest hit by this group. Just remember how atrocities like obamacare and Common Core and Agenda 21 came to pass.

  15. And one other thing….

    Don’t underestimate Cortez’s rock star status among the radical Left. She is their Little Engine That Could and has swiftly become their star recruiter. Why? Because she has ignited everyone’s attention and gathering zeal for these (non-producers’ holy grail):

    Creating a new infrastructure program called the “Green New Deal”.
    Discontinuing arms sales to countries that violate human rights such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
    Enacting a federal jobs guarantee, which would promise all Americans a job paying $15 per hour plus benefits.
    Ending the death penalty.
    Ending the practice of unilaterally waging war, except as a last resort to defend U.S. territory.
    Ending the War on Drugs in favor of legalization, regulation, and taxation of drugs, and pardoning all non-violent drug offenders and treating all drug addicts.
    Ensuring free speech on college campuses and supporting net neutrality.
    Ensuring universal education as a right, including free public college and university education.
    Ensuring universal healthcare as a right.
    Establishing paid maternity leave, paid vacation leave, and free childcare.
    Expanding anti-discrimination laws to apply to homosexual and transgender people.
    Expanding background checks on firearms and banning high capacity magazines and assault weapons.
    Funding Planned Parenthood and other contraceptive and abortion services, and recognizing reproductive rights.
    Implementing electoral reform and publicly financed elections nationwide to make irrelevant and obsolete fundraising from large corporations and the wealthy.
    Implementing instant-runoff voting nationwide in an effort to make third-party and independent candidates more viable.
    Implementing the Buffett Rule, ending offshore financial centers, “chain[ing]” the capital gains and income taxes, and increasing the estate tax.
    Making the minimum wage a living wage and tying it to inflation.
    Pardoning Edward Snowden, prosecuting CIA torturers and DoD war criminals, shutting down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and all other extrajudicial prisons, and ending warrantless spying and bulk data collection by the National Security Agency.
    Passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
    Abolishing ICE.
    Reforming police by mandating body cameras, establishing community oversight boards, eliminating broken windows policing, ending stop and frisk, and appointing special prosecutors to hold police accountable in courts.
    Renegotiating other free trade deals CAFTA-DR, and NAFTA and opposing the Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China and the World Trade Organization.
    Stopping any reductions to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and establishing single-payer universal healthcare.
    Stopping anthropogenic climate change through an ecological revolution and upholding the United States’ participation in the Paris Climate Agreement.
    Uncompromisingly rejecting President Trump’s immigration proposals and policies, particularly the Executive Order 13769 and deportation of illegal immigrants, and implementing comprehensive immigration reform which will give non-criminal illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.

    Seriously, folks, a glib attitude toward people like Cortez isn’t going to end this $hit. And I don’t want to read anymore about POTUS Trump isn’t doing things right.

  16. Who is her puppet master? There is no way this horribly spoken person could put together the “new green plan”, even considering grammatical and spelling errors.

    The dolt can only speak gibberish, and hits blank spots when being interviewed. Who was obamination’s puppet master? SOROS. We should do as Hungary has with Soros.


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