Green Party Official: Germans Should Use Washcloths Instead of Taking Showers – IOTW Report

Green Party Official: Germans Should Use Washcloths Instead of Taking Showers

Summit News:

A top Green Party official has caused controversy by suggesting Germans use washcloths instead of taking showers, as well as buying expensive eco-heating systems that are unaffordable for the average person.

The comments were made by Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann in response to the energy crisis, which will be exacerbated this winter as a result of gas shortages caused by the war in Ukraine.

“Even the washcloth is a useful invention,” the Green politician told Südwest-Presse.

Bragging about his own eco-credentials, Kretschmann boasted, “I have an electric car, I have a huge photovoltaic system on the roof.”

The pellet heating system Kretschmann uses in his home costs anything up to €21,000 euros and beyond, a figure completely unrealistic for Germans already struggling to pay their energy bills.

Remix News explained the actual environmental cost of Kretschmann’s so-called solution.

“Wired magazine reports that these devices rely primarily on wood pellets sourced from forests in the southeastern United States. They are then shipped halfway around the world to individuals like Kretschmann despite many scientists arguing that these pellets are just as polluting as coal.” more here

18 Comments on Green Party Official: Germans Should Use Washcloths Instead of Taking Showers

  1. Pay $20k more for an EV. Pay $20k more for a pellet stove. Take prison showers. Eat zee bugs. I wonder what kinda climate friendly gas is going to be used in the new gas chambers? Probably just pull a vacuum, that would keep all the sheep engaged.

  2. The rich plan the next latest and greatest cause, get their investments lined up to profit and then spend the next decade pounding it onto the public. Like a private form of taxation.

  3. You first, LibIdiot. Show us how it’s done, and how well you live from doing it. Leadership by example. (asshole)

  4. I grew up in Germany in the 1980s thanks to the US military. 8 years taught me that Germans think Americans are obsessive about body cleaning, don’t use deodorant and air conditioning is not necessary in the summer. These were the Germans not the Turkish migrants or Gypsies. This is not a good trend.

  5. The filthy, disgusting subhuman Goddamn pieces of shit have never done an honest day’s work in their entire pathetic miserable lives. They are beyond filthy and disgusting, filthy and disgusting enough that they would expect a rancher who is covered in shit or a mechanic covered in grease or a roustabout covered in oil to climb into bed that way. Here’s a cue assholes, the rest of us don’t find being filthy and disgusting cute, funny or smart.

  6. @Dad

    “They aren’t serious until they use one sheet of toilet paper at a time and turn it over for their second wipe.”

    They’ll want us to use one square of tp, both sides, then recycle it for another trip to the crapper.

    People like this Krotchmann son-of-a-bitch wants to make our lives as miserable as possible – enough to make us look forward to death.

  7. Ah yes, I remember when I was 12 my stepfather showing me how to wipe with one square of TP; first you fold the square in quarters and tear off a corner, then unfold and wipe. Save the corner you tore off to wipe your finger.

  8. My military spouse used to say it was against regulations to use more than one sheet to wipe.

    When I said impossible, he said it’s easy, you poke your finger in the sheet, use it to wipe, then wash your hands.

  9. If you are heating anything with those pellets you are burning coal. If you use them for your grill you are too lazy to use lump charcoal which makes the food taste better. Before arguments about pellet grills begin, lets pretend the power is out.

  10. They just can’t leave anyone alone.
    Always carping, bitching, complaining, and ordering with their holier-than-thou misguided bullshit.
    The fukkin krauts should tell em to Eat Shit, Fuck Off, and Die.

    Like the old German cartoon: “If I want your opinion, I’ll beat it out of you!”
    (I probably made that up – I remember the cartoon but whether or not it was German …)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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