Green Policies Return the World to Coal – IOTW Report

Green Policies Return the World to Coal

American Thinker:

By Clarice Feldman

There’s scarcely a place in the modern world that will not be feeling the high cost and discomfort of a shortage of energy supplies and their increasingly soaring prices. Lebanon already is. Due to a shortage of oil, the two power plants that supply 40% of that country’s electricity shut down. There is no electricity in Lebanon and will not be any for some days.

It’s an extreme case, but even the United Kingdom, the EU, the U.S., and China are running up against diminishing ability to obtain the necessary energy supplies to keep things running smoothly. Some of the shortages are due to accidents, like the cutting of an undersea cable to the UK, but most are due to green policies and stupid political choices, ironically shutting down oil and gas-fired power plants and fossil fuel exploitation and transport at the demand of the greens, who grossly overestimate both global warming and the ability of air, sun and water to take their place. Ironically, this means coal — the dirtiest possible fuel — is back in huge demand. more

5 Comments on Green Policies Return the World to Coal

  1. I just commented elsewhere that, despite their ‘pro-environment’ posturing, Dems tend to take actions that are worse for the environment than GOP. Largely dealing with progress, but also ‘central planning’ which allows horrible acts if it is ‘for the greater benefit’. Which it never is.

  2. It has to get a lot worse before common sense will defeat stupidity. Millions of people have to take back their countries from the lunatics who are trying to substitute wind turbines and solar panels for proven sources of heat and power. Governments that can’t conquer poverty and control mass immigration from Third World Islamic Shitholes shouldn’t be expected to solve global warming and melting glaciers without eventually having to return to coal and nuclear power. Freezing in the dark isn’t a winning platform for politicians.


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