Green Taxes Spark A Populist Revolt In France Injuring 750, Killing 2 – IOTW Report

Green Taxes Spark A Populist Revolt In France Injuring 750, Killing 2

The Federalist: Meanwhile, the media keeps downplaying the issue and distorting what’s really going on because it doesn’t fit their convenient narrative.

Over the past two weekends, France has been plunged into a widespread and sometimes violent populist revolt sparked by the Macron government’s green tax hikes on carbon and fuel, leaving two dead and over 750 injured.

More than 280,000 people took part in thousands of protests staged during the first weekend by “Yellow Jackets,” named after the neon security vests required to be worn by French drivers during roadside emergencies. Preliminary estimates suggest the number of protesters were roughly halved this past weekend, but they concentrated in its main cities. In Paris, police dispersed crowds with water cannons and tear gas as burning vehicles and debris blocked roads near the Champs Elysee.

What’s At Stake?

Earlier this year, Macron announced an increase in France’s carbon tax, meant to limit greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the government plans to raise the gasoline tax by 3.9 cents per liter and the diesel fuel tax by 7.6 cents per liter (which translates to nearly 30 cents a gallon in U.S. dollars).

These measures are intended to assist the government in meeting its goals for addressing climate change by encouraging people to use alternate forms of transportation. The diesel tax hike is intended to deter purchases of diesel-fueled cars, which are deemed “dirty” but more popular in France than in the United States.

These green taxes now account for 60 percent of fuel costs, but this is the tip of the spear for the Macron government, which would like to ban all sales of gasoline and diesel cars by the year 2040. Plus, the city of Paris has already declared war on the automobile. Unsurprisingly––at least to those outside Macron’s government––this agenda is proving wildly unpopular. Polls showed between 74 and 78 percent support for the protests.  read the rest

9 Comments on Green Taxes Spark A Populist Revolt In France Injuring 750, Killing 2

  1. That guy in the video isn’t talking about revolution for freedom but for more oppressive government, only wielded against the boilerplate, bumper sticker enemies of the proletariat. Good luck with that. I don’t think it ended so prettily for his forebears of 1789.

    (Though I would get immense enjoyment to see the Globalist crap running that place go under the guillotine.)

  2. FYI you see people wearing green vests. These are not truckers or union members as much of the media has reported. French law requires that every car have a green vest. They are wearing them to show this is a (trigger warning, hate speech coming) POPULOUS movement, not as mall segment.

  3. France is a socialist Hell-hole.
    The Frogs should demand FREE gasoline and diesel!
    Why should they have to pay anything for anything, anyway? Isn’t that the whole point of socialism – FREE SHIT – EVERYTHING FREE?
    Shouldn’t have to pay for their cars, either!

    Every worker should contribute “from each according to his ability” and everyone should receive “according to his need.”
    (Blanc – dead Frog)

    Where’s this Utopia you’ve been promised since about the mid-1800s?
    So, yeah, Frogs, time to pull out the old guillotine and get crackin!

    izlamo delenda est …


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