Greenland: Huge meteor hits near American Thule Air Force Base – IOTW Report

Greenland: Huge meteor hits near American Thule Air Force Base

FOX: A meteor hit the earth and exploded with 2.1 kilotons of force last month, but the US Air Force has made no mention of the event.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory confirmed an object of unspecified size travelling at 24.4 kilometres per second struck earth in Greenland, just 43 kilometres north of an early missile warning Thule Air Base on the 25th of July, 2018.

Director of the Nuclear Information Project for the Federation of American Scientists, Hans Kristensen, tweeted about the impact, but America’s Air Force has not reported the event. MORE

17 Comments on Greenland: Huge meteor hits near American Thule Air Force Base

  1. “Mr. Kristensen argues it’s concerning there was no public warning from the US government about the incident.”
    I put the fear of this slightly before green house and global warning alarmists.
    Why are people so afraid all the time?
    Don’t fret what you can’t do anything about.
    Quit texting and driving, be afraid of that.

  2. In the early sixties I worked with a guy that had spent his time as an Army Lieutenant in Europe in charge of one of the nuclear cannons we had to blow up the commies in the Fulda Gap. These monsters were on huge trucks and I recall he said he got one stuck. Next stop Thulie. They used nitrogen for transmission cable insulation (or something) and the supply was low so he filled out the requisition form. The next supply flight in had no nitrogen; so he sent off another requisition. This cycle continued for some time until a flight arrived filled to the brim with nitrogen. His ass was grass.

    He quit the company because he had an opportunity to become a partner in an outfit starting a cable TV company. I told him this was a stupid move…everybody knows TV is free. One of several people I counseled that didn’t take my advice and wound up multimillionaires.

  3. 24.4 Kilometres per second = 54581.24 Miles per hour

    The circumference of the Earth at the equator: 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers), but, if you measure the earth through the poles the circumference is a bit shorter, 24,859.82 miles (40,008 km).

    please come back, the party starts in Nov 2018, everyones gonna be there, nancy, max, hilary, chuck, the whole gang. no rsvp required, just blow through the party, that’d be great.

    C ya soon.

  4. @Burr ~ reminds me of the old joke about the definition of ‘secure the building’, according to the different services

    Marines: storm the building. kill everyone inside.
    Army: surround the building. bomb the crap out of it. kill everyone that comes out.
    Navy: lock the front door. turn the key over to the MP’s.
    Air Force: take out a 6 month lease w/ an option for the whole year

  5. It’s sad that you “vets” didn’t know that the USAF has it’s most northern base in Thule. It was instrumental in keeping you safe during the Cold War as it was a vital early warning facility.

  6. Space Force would have shot that thing out of the sky over Moscow.

    PEW!PEW!PEW! should be their motto.

    Also, damn straight MOLON, kill everything inside, pee on the ashes.


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