Greenland women accuse Denmark of inserting IUDs without their consent – IOTW Report

Greenland women accuse Denmark of inserting IUDs without their consent

Eugenics – contraceptives inserted without consent or informed consent as part of a push to limit or eliminate fertility – continues against women and girls across the developing world.

(LifeSiteNews) — Over the last several years, the reality of neo-colonialism – a top-down push by the elites at the United Nations, the European Union, and in many Western governments to reduce the populations of developing nations – has come into focus. Nigerian pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha has been exposing this agenda through her work, including her essential 2018 book Target Africa: Ideological Neo-Colonialism in the Twenty-First Century (you can listen to my interview about the book with her here) and her documentary Strings Attached.

Another chilling example of this neo-colonialism was recently reported by the BBC. Sixty-seven women from Greenland, a Danish colony until 1953 that is now semi-sovereign, are demanding compensation from the Danish government “over a campaign of involuntary birth control.” The campaign consisted of a concentrated attempt to reduce the birth rate among the Indigenous population in Greenland by inserting contraceptive devices into the bodies of women and girls without their consent or knowledge. more here

16 Comments on Greenland women accuse Denmark of inserting IUDs without their consent

  1. “…Indigenous population…” First it was the inuits and I said nothing because I’m not an Inuit. Then it was Viking descendants and I said nothing…..
    How long before we unite to stop the global elites?

  2. “Indigenous population” == uppity and ingrateful vassals.

    The world’s suzerains have been practicing on their vassals for millennia and now they’re targeting us. Ammo up.

  3. When I was in college, I saw a film from the 1960’s about some Peace Corp volunteers in South America. Their job was to provide needed medical care to a remote village.

    The people began to notice that none of the young women who underwent surgery from the team ever got pregnant afterwards. Their society may not have been advanced, but they weren’t stupid. They knew how to add 2+2.

    The Peace Corp volunteers, two men and one woman as I recall, got their comeuppance, so to speak.

  4. @RadioMattM: Bill and Melinda Gates have been serving up birth control in Africa for years, birth control has no meaning to the uneducated. Eliminate populations, you will slow down poverty and disease.

  5. Silly people. They should just do them what American schools did to our kids, and they’d have an army of violent useful idiots. Or just kill them with one of Fauci’s engineered diseases.

  6. This wouldn’t have happened if we’d bought Greenland from Denmark, like Trump suggested.

    And as I recall, one of the major threads in “Yellowstone” is how Jamie took his sister to get an abortion on the rez, and they sterilized her, because that’s what they did to all the injun women. So it coukd have been worse, indigenous Greenlanders.

  7. Sure doesn’t seem to be much in the way of “medical ethics” these days, huh?

    Almost like people who like to play God don’t fear Him.

    At least this clears up the question of whether Dr. Mengele was an aberration or not.

    Seeing as how multiple sterilizing and lethal experiments were conducted worldwide just in the last three years, and are STILL GOING ON…

  8. Bill Gates should have one of these – or maybe ten of these – shoved up his ass.
    I’m just curious how they got these things in women’s vaginas without their knowing what was going in.

  9. And our government doesn’t understand why the people have no trust in them. After their Covid disaster people have lost trust in government, the medical establishment and most all “authorities”. I’m elderly and have advised my physicians as such when they recommend the flu / pneumonia or any other treatment until I have adequately researched it for myself. What an f—-ed up time in history in the winter of my life. However, I did grow up in America’s Golden Age when common sense, patriotism and values/morals meant something.

  10. Anonymous Saturday, 4 November 2023, 17:00 at 5:00 pm

    Bill Gates should have one of these – or maybe ten of these – shoved up his ass.
    I’m just curious how they got these things in women’s vaginas without their knowing what was going in.

    I was thinking the same thing….seeing how I’ve had many pelvis exams in my lifetime.


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