Greenwald astounded by ‘ignorant’ libs who can’t see how low-income folks hurt most by vaccine mandate – IOTW Report

Greenwald astounded by ‘ignorant’ libs who can’t see how low-income folks hurt most by vaccine mandate


Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out a very uncomfortable truth concerning the way liberals view non-liberals and how they simply refuse to see that implementing vaccine mandates impacts low-income individuals the most.

“The unvaccinated in America are overwhelmingly low-income people, which means any punitive measures against those refusing vaccinations — loss of jobs, bar on entrance to public spaces or travel — will disproportionately fall on those who are most economically vulnerable,” Greenwald noted on Twitter.

He then nailed liberals who just don’t get it when it comes to vaccine mandates, “The number of ignorant liberals responding to the above data by pointing out that the vaccine is free — and believing they’re making a clever point — will shock you if you look. They still, after all these months, don’t understand why so many people are vaccine-hesitant.”

“A huge number of liberals absolutely believe non-liberals are stupid, primitive, ignorant, inferior and amoral troglodytes, and most COVID discourse has far more to do what that bigotry — and the glee they get in overriding their will — than it does anything resembling Science,” he noted. more here

7 Comments on Greenwald astounded by ‘ignorant’ libs who can’t see how low-income folks hurt most by vaccine mandate

  1. Well the smug libtards will find out the hard way this effects everyone when hospitals are understaffed, grocery shelves are empty and society crumbles before their eyes when people walk off jobs rather than be jabbed with an experimental dangerous drug, it is not a vaccine.

  2. Quite frankly, I DGAS about the poor. Never has it been so beneficial to be poor. I see healthy males in the grocery store using welfare credit cards to pay for cake (no lie). They come in to the ER where I work and whip out their Medicaid cards. Most are frequent fliers that abuse the use of ERs. So I just don’t cry about the plight of the poor. Having said that, some moronic congressperson will amend the bill saying if your salary is less than X you are exempt from the vax mandate which h is infuriating.

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  4. It’s not that creepo libs “can’t see” the facts, but that they REFUSE to see the obvious since doing so forces them to admit to their own polluted nature and fake righteousness. Same goes for those who twist doctrines to suit their warped views. The creepo libs and false prophets often shake hands with each other.

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