Greenwald hammers media on Avenatti: ‘Utter bulls–t’ to claim they couldn’t have known he was a crook – IOTW Report

Greenwald hammers media on Avenatti: ‘Utter bulls–t’ to claim they couldn’t have known he was a crook

FOX: ‘If you can’t recognize what Avenatti is, you can’t see anything’.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald blasted the media Tuesday for their coverage of disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti, who was recently sentenced to 30 months in prison for trying to extort millions from Nike.

Avenatti, who represented Stormy Daniels in unsuccessful lawsuits against former President Donald Trump, enjoyed a wide platform on cable news for a full year, racking up hundreds of appearances. MSNBC’s Joy Reid called him “brilliant” and “mad telegenic,” while her colleague Nicolle Wallace said Democrats would be “foolish” to underestimate him. CNN’s Brian Stelter was also among the pundits who took Avenatti seriously as a potential White House contender. 

Greenwald observed those same networks have now been forced to frame Avenatti in a different light now that he’s heading to prison, and they’ve done so while trying to exonerate themselves. He called their behavior “stunning.” more here

5 Comments on Greenwald hammers media on Avenatti: ‘Utter bulls–t’ to claim they couldn’t have known he was a crook

  1. The Creepy Porn Lawyer was sent from Central Casting to portray a lying, cheating conman who mesmerized the Dementiacrat Main Stream Media with his suave demeanor and forceful personality, and they bought it like the ignorant fools they have always been. They would embrace anyone who came after President Trump. Remember Anthony Scaramucci? How about Omarosa What’s Her Last Name? And so it goes….

  2. They’re in the business to know things. It is preposterous to think they didn’t know CPL wuz a crook and an overall POS… As preposterous as the rest of their propaganda they try to shove down our throats and up our collective asses!


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