Greenwald: The Democratic Party ‘Has Collapsed as a National Political Force’ – IOTW Report

Greenwald: The Democratic Party ‘Has Collapsed as a National Political Force’

Breitbart: Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald excoriated the Democratic Party for what he suggested was not learning from the lessons of the party’s 2016 presidential election loss.

Greenwald pointed out the losses Democrats have suffered in prior elections, particular at the state level and said that the party wasn’t learning from its mistakes, but doubling down on what it had done before.

He noted that the GOP have two-thirds of the governorships and are just one state house away from having the ability to convene a constitutional convention.

“It is a party that has collapsed as a national political force in the United States,” Greenwald said. “It’s not just the national presidential election.”  WATCH

9 Comments on Greenwald: The Democratic Party ‘Has Collapsed as a National Political Force’

  1. You’d never know they’re in such dire straights, considering how spineless the absolutely useless house and senate repubicans are acting… As Sean said: ‘GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASSES, AND DO YOUR DAMN JOB’!

  2. Both parties are full of elitists, but it seems the Democratic party is more so. They like New York, they like the west coast, and they put up with Chicago and large urban areas. But they don’t like flyover country, and they don’t like us rubes.

    I’m willing to give up California and New York in order to crush the Democrat party in the other 48 states. As the Democrats continue to lurch leftward, much of California and New York will turn into typical leftists shitholes anyway.

  3. @Enuf Already February 17, 2017 at 5:45 pm


    If the Republicans route the Democrats, who will there be to blame for more invader amnesties, tax increases, more regulations with fewer laws, moar, moar, MOAR</i?!?

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