Greg Gutfeld throws cold water on fervor over Fox News’ impeachment poll – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld throws cold water on fervor over Fox News’ impeachment poll


There’s much to be said for the notion that polls have become useful tools of the left to drive public opinion, but does that still apply to a Fox News poll?

When looking at results, one must consider the size of the field being sampled and the make up that group, as well as how questions were crafted.

And with the media whipped into a lather over the prospects of impeaching President Trump, a new Fox News poll showing that 51 percent of registered voters back Trump being impeached is being cited as further proof that the American people have turned against the president.

But Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld, co-host of “The Five,” says not so fast.

The 2020 election was being discussed on Thursday’s show and co-host Juan Williams mentioned the Fox News poll. When co-host Dana Perino, who was acting as moderator, turned to Gutfeld to comment on the back and forth between Trump and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden, he went back to the poll.

“I’ve been seeing this poll everywhere and I know it’s a Fox News poll but we got to point out that it’s weighted toward Democrats,” Gutfeld said. “From what I’ve seen, it’s 48 percent Democrats, 40 percent Republicans, 12 percent other. So it’s weighted for that.”

“Also, it is being taken at the fever pitch of media coverage about a single topic, so what do you expect,” he added — that being the current impeachment frenzy in the media.

In effect, Gutfeld said that time is sure to have an impact on the results.

“You’ve got all the Democrats, plus or minus 3 percent, saying they want him out,” he noted. “That’s not a big finding. That’s not a surprise. In a month or so, when all this stuff fades, let’s see where it is now.” MORE

16 Comments on Greg Gutfeld throws cold water on fervor over Fox News’ impeachment poll

  1. …any time I make the mistake of answering a poll, I’ll just make up random stuff to screw with their results.

    …it’s none of their business, and they’re only going to use it for evil anyway, plus many pollsters are liberal fucktards and will probably go postal on you and/ or doxx you for an honest answer anyway, so why bother?

    ….they’ll get the REAL answers in November next year, in the only poll that COUNTS…

  2. Thank you Larry for showing us this bunch of useless, tail-wagging idiots (that no one in the Shire would trust with a burnt-out match) who get wound up with a key and switched on to regurgitate a phrase mindlessly repeated over and over again!
    (I always knew you were one of us) 🙂

  3. Polls are useless, especially polls taken a year in advance….right up until 1:00am election night 2016 all the media clowns were citing exit polls saying Hillary would be the next president. Every one of these polls is designed to preemptively sway the uninformed or activist voter. It’s professional cheating.

    Williams is a PITA…always states the exact opposite of normal thinking then pushes it as fact….the guy grates on the nerves, like fingers on a chalkboard (for those of us old enough to know how creepy that is.) Maybe he’s getting paid to be the idiot foil, or maybe he’s just an idiot who drank the lefty Kool-Aid. Gutfeld is correct as usual.

  4. It’s like any hot button issue/question that’s asked of Conservatives……

    Conservatives don’t really answer the question with their true beliefs/feelings….

    because they’ve been constantly berate/ridilculed for their dirt people mentality….

    But they do vote…..and they believe in America.


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