Greg Gutfeld to Gavin Newsom: Stay out of my wheelhouse – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld to Gavin Newsom: Stay out of my wheelhouse

5 Comments on Greg Gutfeld to Gavin Newsom: Stay out of my wheelhouse

  1. Too bad they didn’t mention the unprecedented crime wave going on in the stupid state (California) that governor hair do is doing nothing about. I’ve seen the results of his policies 1st hand, and that’s not to mention the election cheating that goes on there. I’m not voting this time because even though my ballots are always filled out correctly my vote has been disqualified for some obviously made up reason. I believe this is a small part of the California democrat cheating strategy. I tell you; this state sucks so bad I’ve moved to the very sparsely populated edge of civilization because basically all the large cities and metropolitan areas suck!

  2. “I’m not voting this time because even though my ballots are always filled out correctly my vote has been disqualified for some obviously made up reason. I believe this is a small part of the California democrat cheating strategy.”

    Ditto. I’ve typed very similar stuff here. Not only that I’ve checked with about 12 conservative friends, I do live in an extremely conservative county in the north, same story. Easy to check. Libtard California strategy is take over the local peeps that count the votes. True the vote says it’s nation wide now in every corner. The day after they said that they were arrested.

  3. @ Brad NOVEMBER 4, 2022 AT 11:59 PM

    Without Republican establishment buy in it wouldn’t be happening. It’s not just Democrats, it’s the progressive movement in total.

    If that dynamic goes unrecognized and so long as that dynamic goes unrecognized it’s an effort in futility to fight it. The Republican establishment is every bit as vile and pernicious an enemy of America as the Democrats are. Maybe more so. Those fuckers hide in the shadows and lie about what they are, at least the Democrats are honest about their shitbaggery

  4. ^^^^^ If you don’t think it is happening where you live you will end up just like California. No matter who’s involved, and no matter how much faith you have in your state politicians.

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