Harbinger’s Daily: Little did Zechariah know how life was about to change for him, for his country, and for the world. Gabriel announced to him that he and his aged wife, Elizabeth, were to be the parents of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus. In fact, they would be the parents of the greatest prophet in the history of Scripture and the greatest of the Old Testament prophets.
Israel hadn’t heard from God for four hundred years. There hadn’t been a miracle for four hundred years. And there hadn’t been a prophet for four hundred years. Then along came the angel Gabriel, not just with an announcement of a prophet but of a super prophet, one who would precede the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
But because he was an old man, Zechariah had a hard time believing this. So, Gabriel told him that he would not be able to speak until the child was born. And indeed, Zechariah did not communicate verbally until John was born. Then God restored his ability to speak. more
A most timely and perfect message for us today. Thank you, MJA.
Each, in our own small ways, can make an enormous difference in this world by keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Great message! Each Christian is tasked with spreading the message of the Spiritual Kingdom of Jesus to all.
When Jesus returns to Earth, he will merge his Spiritual Kingdom with his then-established Royal Kingdom when he rules on Earth for one thousand years.
Thank you MJA.
What strikes home to me, especially in these debauched times, is the closing statement, “We often blame our wicked culture for the way we are, but the fact of the matter is that it’s our job as followers of Jesus to permeate and affect our culture.”
Just yesterday at 8 AM Mass a visiting Priest from Nigeria asked us all to pray for Nigeria and so we do .
It’s true, we can’t change because modern culture demands it. We remain faithful and repent when we screw up. What God thinks is what matters.
Thank God for His prophets and the Lord’s forerunners.,
In today’s world Christian’s are Persecuted and Murdered for their Faith in Muslim Middle East, China, North Korea and Africa.
Lord, thank You for sheltering your believers in the US.