Gregg Jarret: Things will end badly for Comey – IOTW Report

Gregg Jarret: Things will end badly for Comey

BPR: While liberals predictably salivate over James Comey’s memoir, those who actually read it have serious questions.

Fox News’ legal and political analyst, Gregg Jarrett, predicts the tell-all book will be the demise of the former FBI director, calling it a work of “fiction” and “fantasy.”

Jarrett tweeted out about his progress in reading the book, “A Higher Loyalty,” which he declared was full of “self-adoration and puffery.”

Jarrett followed up with an update when he completed the “superficial” memoir.

“I can only conclude that Comey’s version of events is fantasy. It is fiction,” the former trial attorney tweeted. “Things will end badly for Comey.”

Retired FBI agent, James Gagliano, raised the question of whether Comey was authorized to even write his book since the FBI requires a review of any materials being considered for publication.  more here

16 Comments on Gregg Jarret: Things will end badly for Comey

  1. This reminds me of the Elliot Ness truth vs. reputation. The big mob busting, prohibitions enforcing moralizing crusader…who was really a private drunk himself, dieing penniless and forgotten.

    Comey will end the same way after he’s done with his 15 minutes.

  2. This bombing will take the wind out of his sails. No one cares about his book, they only care if we’re going to be attacked by the Russians. Might be wag the dog, who cares if it works.

  3. “the question of whether Comey was authorized to even write his book since the FBI requires a review of any materials being considered for publication”

    Why would anybody with copies of the rubber stamps at the F.B.I. have any issue with him describing how wise and selfless they all are?

  4. Comey’s book is entitled “A Higher Authority.”

    To what or to whom does he refer…
    Leftist philosophy? Himself? Hillary?

    One thing is certain. He does not refer to either the United States of America or to the Constitution.

    Just sayin’.

  5. “Lack of candor.” That phrase haunts me. It is a made up phrase to fit a technical, legal world and not the real world where such a phrase can only mean one thing — lying. This is the nudge and the fudge and the nuance of government lawyers protecting other government lawyers. Sickening.

  6. Hillary’s Dirty Cash (narcodollars) Being Used to Support Hezbollah and to bribe Many of the Russian Collusion Actors

    Hillary Clinton has been running interference for Seaboard Foods/a giant cocaine ring…. since 1998/GM….

    All the lawyers, bureaucrats, judges, prosecutors, bribed witnesses, that Hillary Clinton has bribed with Seaboard Food’s drug money defies imagination!

    Bribed Judges: Monte Belot J HARVIE Wilerson Barry Bennington Raymond Jackson G E Tidwell

    Bibed Prosecurors: Joel Jackson Ann Swegle Harvey Bryant Colin Stolle Carla Stovall Steckline Kelli Stevens Benintendi

    All those MSNBC and CNN talking heads trying to take down our duly elected President, are merely high paid actors. Actors, clever debaters, who have no qualms about selling out our country. Remember, much of their payoff dollars once travelled in Seaboard Marine’s Container Carriers. Afterall, why would any modern shipping company, like Seaboard Matine, lower itself to transport flour to the lawless Belgin Congo? Seaboad Futurs.

    All those corrupt lawyers: Terry Blanton Tim Keenan Larry Keenan

    All the above listed bureaucrats, judges, prosecutors, bribed witnesses, that Hillary Clinton has bribed with Seaboard Food drug money defies imagination! And much of Seaboard’s Dirty Cash has been given over to Hezbollah for weapons purchases ..mainly from the Russians. Therefore all of the US media whores that have accepted Hillary Clinton Steven Bresky DIRTY CASH….are by definition TRAITORS!

    And so when the above listed judges, prosecurors, lawyers accept Seaboard Food’s River of Dirty Cash they are guilty of RICO narcotics trafficking but also of TREASON when Hezbollah weapons were used to maime or kill US servicemen and defense contractors.

    Consider the River of Dirty Cash that promotes the bureaucrats and Corrupt Talking Heads that daily spew out their daily anti Trump trash

    Lanny Davis to defend President Trump’s Lawyer? What about attorney-client privilege? The Wicked Witch from Chappaqua is trying to rewrite The Constitution using the billions of dollars that she and Steven Bresky have sucked out of this country over the last 20 years!
    A River of Dirty Cash!

    Search: Seaboard Foods + Hezbollah + WSJ

    George Meredith MDHillary’s Dirty Cash (narco dollars) Being Used to Support Hezbollah

  7. November 4, 2017….as could have been predicted, the Clinton Crime Family, has gathered Virginia Beach Animal Control and the VB General District Court on November 26, 2018 to try my sweet, well socialized German Short Haired Pointer as a Nuisance Animal, and is pleading for the execution of this magnificent, well socialized animal. Damn George, how drastic do we have get to shut you up? You are one of the few have had the guts to link Hillary and Seaboard Foods and Steven Bresky and their narco trafficking and their hundreds of millions that have gone to Hezbollah.As well as Murder of US Servicemen And
    millions dead from Seaboard’s opiate overdoses!

    Their response: Since the Hillary death treat via Virginia State Police Investigator W H Chip Turner did not work. And since Hillary’s subsequent murder attempt on Meredith by rollover, crash and explosion of his F150…..since these things proved unsuccessful, lets execute his well socialized bird dog!

    Is this a great country or what?

    George Meredith MD
    Virginia Beach

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