Greta & AOC use COVID19 to Push Climate Change Nonsense! – IOTW Report

Greta & AOC use COVID19 to Push Climate Change Nonsense!

Steven Crowder and the crew discuss how the left is using the coronavirus pandemic to push their climate change agenda, and how dangerous those policies actually are.

7 Comments on Greta & AOC use COVID19 to Push Climate Change Nonsense!

  1. Nothing here to see anymore.

    Our nation is like an apple rotten in the middle, but the skin looks shiney.

    We did have hope after the eletion of PDJT and the firing of that rat Sessions.

    Barr has proved to be another rat.

    The next democrat president will destroy us.

  2. These morons will never get that climate nonsense out of their pin heads no matter how many forecasts the climate schisters get wrong. End of snow. The maldives disappearing. No more crops in the midwest. You could stack these failed predictions several feet high. All the gloom and doom wrong. The stupidity of the believers is hard to fathom. I know way too many otherwise pretty smart people who ‘believe’ in this crap hook line and sinker. They all vote democrat. They have their religious and science beliefs tangled in a huge web of confusion

  3. I blame it on Captain Planet, that 3rd rate idiot propaganda bs cartoon of the early 80’s that was created by Ted Turner to indoctrinate young skulls full of mush to believe this sky is falling, Chicken Little, boy who cried wolf bs nonsense. I hated that and never would let my kids watch it when they were little and they grew up normally, thank God and fall for this phony bs of globull warming malzrkey.


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