Greta Thunberg seems like aging child star in Gaza activism turn – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg seems like aging child star in Gaza activism turn

Just The News

Greta Thunberg, the leftist media’s climate saint, appears to be gradually falling from grace. No longer the innocent pigtailed, precocious teenager saving the world from climate doom, Thunberg has become a 21-year-old keffiyeh-wearing anti-Israel activist. 

Some supporters are distancing themselves from the Swedish activist, and others are lamenting the loss of a poster child for the climate cause.

Supporters of Israel are calling her an antisemite. Stop Antisemitism on Monday voted Thunberg the “Antisemite of the Week.” 

Jeff Reynolds, climate researcher at Restoration of America, told Just the News that the climate celebrity is changing strategies as her popularity wanes. 

“I think that as she struggles to find relevance, as she advances in her adulthood, she’s going to meet with – and I’m not rooting for this – but I think it’s not going to be pretty when she realizes she no longer has any influence,” Reynolds said.

28 Comments on Greta Thunberg seems like aging child star in Gaza activism turn

  1. @Deacon:

    does this cretin look to you like she’s missing a Chromosome?

    When I see her face, I see “fetal alcohol syndrome” with thin upper lip and smooth philtrum (area above lip, below nose), and slightly underdeveloped chin. But missing chromosome for sure works, too.

  2. @NIdahoOrthodox — Quite right. These days, “antisemitic” has nothing to do with semites.

    Lewis Carroll put it very well:

    When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.’

    ― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1871

  3. FYI – Just another paid shill.
    Greta Thunberg Net Worth
    Estimated Net Worth: $18 million
    Inheritance: $10 million from her family’s estate
    Annual Income: $3.7 million
    Speaking Fee: $75,000 per event
    Real Estate Assets: $9.1 million

  4. Although she was a willing participant, I don’t necessarily blame Greta. She was a child when pushed into the anti-climate spotlight by leftists who used her for their own agenda. It was natural that when Greta grew older (aged out seems like an appropriate term here), her leftists supporters would dump her as no longer useful since she would be just another brain-addled leftist harpy amongst a lot of brain-addled leftist harpies.

  5. This silly, little tool doesn’t have the mental capacity to be playing in this sandbox!
    To some we say “Shut up and sing”
    To her it should be: “Yer 15 minutes of fame are waaaay past their “sell by date”
    “Shut up and tard”

  6. NIdahoOrthodox, Uncle Al:

    “Antisemitic” is a term that means Jew-hate in the English language because when it came into usage, there just weren’t all that many Arabs in Europe. It doesn’t mean “hatred of any group subsequently classified as a speaker of a ‘semitic’ origin language.

  7. Her wide flat featureless face reminds me of what? A pancake? a huge amoeba? A cow patty? A catcher’s mitt? A bagel run over and flattened by a Steamroller? A great big yellow emoji face? Something.


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