Greta’s Yacht Back To Europe Is A Planet Destroyer (With a heated toilet) – IOTW Report

Greta’s Yacht Back To Europe Is A Planet Destroyer (With a heated toilet)

Climate Depot-
Yes, dear readers, as it turns out, the 45-foot yacht Greta chose to carry her back across the Atlantic is a planet destroyer. At least, that’s how global warming alarmists will see it.

Checking the product specifications provided by the manufacturer, the Outremer Yachting 45 Catamaran has a huge 672L diesel fuel tank, which powers two Volvo Diesel Sail Drive engines.

What could be more of a planet destroyer than a diesel engine?

In fact, from a personal point of view, I’m glad she is traveling on this vessel because as someone who has been sailing since age 10, I can assure you it gets a bit chilly on the Atlantic this time of the year.

As much as I disagree with the lie-filled scripts that Greta reads and the damage she is doing as a puppet to children around the world, it would send the wrong message if she got frostbite.

Not to worry. Here are photos of what she will get on this world-destroying diesel-powered vessel to Spain’s UN climate conference.

A vessel that will surely bring about the destruction of the planet sooner if she had just stayed in Sweden and attended school. It’s good to be queen.

The Outremer 45 also has a heated toilet. Which is good in the winter.

13 Comments on Greta’s Yacht Back To Europe Is A Planet Destroyer (With a heated toilet)

  1. We all make sacrifices, although the boat is a floating pollution spewing scow, it’s serving a very important purpose. It’s a means to deport that nauseating little dunce back to the shambles of Europe along with her idiotic ideas.

  2. “Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.”
    (dead white dude)

    Greta’s a screaming, scowling, finger-wagging, shit-eating, mouth-frothing, lying, simpleton, Globaloney-worshipping hypocrite.

    My guess is that she couldn’t explain, in physical terms (math included), how this hoax is supposed to “work.” My guess is that she hasn’t a clue.
    She’s a “useful idiot” that Europeans find intriguing and American amusing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. She is sailing on La Vagabond. Years ago I got into sailing videos on YouTube and Sailing La Vagabond was a channel I came across. It’s an Australian couple, they started out humble, some gratuitous bikini shots, typical of sailing channels. However, they never really interested me. About a year ago they were “provided” with the yacht they’re currently on. I don’t remember the details, but likely it’s an advertisement for their YouTube channel. So they’re bought shills of sailing.

    Then I saw Greeda was sailing with them. I had to do a double take and make sure La Vagabond was the same. It is and I couldn’t think of a more fitting sailing team to take on the little nazi. They made me sick some time ago with their liberal bullshit, there are much better sailing channels to follow. One’s with real people.

  4. I’m all for freeing La Greta to live in a perfect environment:
    no electricity
    grows own food with fertilizer personally made
    constructs own clothing
    chops own wood with stone implements

    People may row out to her and applaud her sainthood.


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