Gretchen Carlson Attorney Donates Big to Left Wing Democrats Who Aggressively Criticize Fox News – IOTW Report

Gretchen Carlson Attorney Donates Big to Left Wing Democrats Who Aggressively Criticize Fox News

Breitbart: An analysis of political donations that Nancy Erika Smith, former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson’s attorney, has made shows she is a hardcore progressive Democrat who has given thousands upon thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates for office. Many of those Democrats that Smith has supported have repeatedly, viciously and very publicly criticized the Fox News Channel for its coverage, Breitbart News has found.

Smith is representing Carlson in her allegations against Fox News CEO and chairman Roger Ailes in a lawsuit Carlson filed last week. Specifically, Carlson alleged—when her contract was not renewed—that Ailes engaged in sexual harassment of her. But as more evidence has trickled out about the case, including internal memos that surfaced over the weekend, it turns out that Ailes’ side of the story seems more credible as Carlson’s allegations have begun to wither under scrutiny.

What’s more, Carlson’s character and attitude inside the building—as Breitbart News reported on Monday—was less than stellar. She treated staff and her colleagues like “furniture,” sources told Breitbart News, a sign that she was conceited and thought the world of herself. Meanwhile, it turns out, Fox News’—and specifically Ailes’—internal documents show he tried to help Carlson’s show work out, and eventually when it did not end up working due to Carlson’s under performance and bad attitude, Fox News severed the relationship with Carlson by not proceeding with contract renewal negotiations.

Meanwhile, scores of female anchors and reporters at Fox News have now spoken out in support of Ailes as Carlson’s side of the story—bolstered by progressive and mainstream media outlets desperate to damage Fox News—has been shown not to have any actual evidence backing it up.  more here

17 Comments on Gretchen Carlson Attorney Donates Big to Left Wing Democrats Who Aggressively Criticize Fox News

  1. This is going to get very, very messy, very, very fast.

    I feel bad for Gretchen, who obviously was given very, very bad career advice from someone… most likely her aggressive sports-agent-husband Casey Close. 🙁

  2. Could you have found a more unflattering picture? LOL

    If this lawsuit turns out to be all politically motivated, I’m going to sh!t a brick. I do think her ball-busting husband egged her on.

    “…scores of female anchors and reporters at Fox News have now spoken out in support of Ailes…”

    No kidding? Did you expect them to commit career suicide and side with Carlson? GMAFB

    Gotta go… my popcorn is ready. 🙂

  3. I’ve seen your Avatar occasionally when Gretchen occasionally switches positions with her legs. I’ve seen a few on MSNBC too but they have no pest strips next to it.

  4. Bad_Brad, luckily, I only encountered Pthirus Pubis and that was early on.

    They tell me that’s why everyone goes Brazilian nowadays, besides the Olympics, of course. But I digress. 👿

  5. Carlson spent some time here in Cleveland at WUAB-TV43 vbefore moving to Fox. While I liked her work, she did turn nutcase and deserves to get canned. Bad advice is right. Must have spent too much time with Shep Smith and got mentally infected. See ya, Gretch. It’s been real.

  6. I hope Ailes counter sues Carlson and Smith for libel, slander, mental pain and anguish, and lawyer hours (ka-CHING!!).

    Stoopid actions should have painful consequences. (see prior story on woman who fell off edge of Grand Canyon).

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