Grieving Father of 19 yo Shot While Committing Burglary Doesn’t Know How To Play the Blame Game – IOTW Report

Grieving Father of 19 yo Shot While Committing Burglary Doesn’t Know How To Play the Blame Game


See this guy? This is Ryan Brooks. He was shot and killed by a homeowner after Ryan and his 3 pals attempted to break into a house in Montgomery, Alabama. You have to read what the father says in the wake of his son’s death.


The dad does the usual, telling everyone that will listen that his son was a good boy, the type of person who loved everyone and everyone loved him. He says he was a God-fearing man and that he even contemplated a life of serving God. That doesn’t comport with what Ryan was doing that night and the father concedes that point. The father also went on to say something that, given the recent high profile shootings, runs counter to the usual narrative. (In fact, Al Sharpton would read this and just shake his head and chuckle and say, “dumb white people, they don’t know how to play the game.”)


Brooks’ grief-stricken family gathered at his home Thursday afternoon, devastated by news of Brooks’ death and the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting.

They are not, they emphasized, making excuses. “Just like the guy in Missouri and the guy in New York, my son would be alive if he wasn’t breaking the law,” said father Jamie Brooks.

“Some of the things they’re going to say are not going to be indicative of who Ryan was,” said grandfather Barry Brooks. “I can’t go into it right now, but there’s going to be more to the story.”

“He made mistakes, we all have,” said Barry Brooks. “Maybe in the last few weeks, he made some that put him in the situation he was in last night. Some mistakes cost us more than others. Those mistakes don’t change who we are.”

The family, Brooks’ mother, father, grandfather, stepmother, two little brothers and little sister, on Thursday chose to remember better times. And, they said, there were many.


ht/ Corky

15 Comments on Grieving Father of 19 yo Shot While Committing Burglary Doesn’t Know How To Play the Blame Game

  1. Unfortunately, this response is becoming the exception that only proves the rule: Increasingly we are giving into the lie that we are not responsible for our actions and are owed reparations for what happens to us when breaking the law. We the people have taken the Ten Commandments and made them the Ten Suggestions…

  2. Sad story, Admirable reaction from the family.

    One question: If Ryan Brooks had never been in trouble before, why does the photo above look like the others’ mug shots? Maybe it was just cropped out of a similar gray background?

  3. Such a shame. You try to raise your kids in the nurture & admonition of The Lord but they still have free will.
    My oldest grandson was going that route, served some time and, hopefully, learned his lesson.
    All we can do is pray for them & once in a while, smack them alongside the head!

  4. That reminds me, I need to buy a few more high capacity magazines. I love the custom 10-round .45ACP mags I have for my HK USP but haven’t been able to find any more lately

  5. Such a refreshing statement in the wake of Ferguson and NYC. Personal responsibility is certainly going the way of most qualities we used to think were the norm.
    Thanks BFH for posting this.

  6. Old man has wisdom:
    Barry Brooks said he hopes his grandson’s death will serve a purpose, and deliver a message to others. “If kids can learn anything from this, I hope they realize they need to be careful who they make friends with,” he said. “Otherwise, they might find themselves in a situation beyond the wildest imagination.”

  7. GMAFB !!
    “He loved people…”
    Uh…no he didn’t, or he wouldn’t be committing armed robbery.
    He was studying criminal justice?
    Why? To learn the loopholes?

    I’m sorry for this family, but this guy wasn’t who they thought he was.

  8. Sorry for the family, but I have little sympathy for thugs. I have been robbed at gun point before and I don’t care how “nice” you were in a past life. I want your ass in jail for a long time or dead.

  9. “His family is struggling to understand why Brooks was in the situation that led to his death last night.”

    I can tell you why from personal experiences: he didn’t use any logic or moral reasoning when he picked the friends he wanted to hang around with.

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