Groper Cleveland: Can Biden’s Faded Blue Collar Style Win in Fresh Socialist DNC? – IOTW Report

Groper Cleveland: Can Biden’s Faded Blue Collar Style Win in Fresh Socialist DNC?

Former Vice President Joe Biden jumps into the 2020 presidential race as the presumptive frontrunner, but is he? Will his historically-moderate views, old-school approach, and the physical advances of age hold up against the avowed socialism, modern media savvy and juvenile vigor of others in the field? – Bill Whittle.


SNIP: In the video clip, does Joe Biden seem to be slurring his words?

7 Comments on Groper Cleveland: Can Biden’s Faded Blue Collar Style Win in Fresh Socialist DNC?

  1. Go home Joe. Yer drunk.

    The guy has always been a drooling, groping idiot that most people have the sense to avoid.

    A debate between Trump and Biden, if it gets that far?
    Actually any of the democrats….i’d better inest in
    Popcorn futures right now.

  2. what the hell did china joe do to his face? His forehead doesn’t work, and he has slitty eyes.
    He obviously got Halloween and his campaign rollout confused.
    Everyone joked about how he was obama’s insurance, due to his being incompetent and second in line. Now they’re selling him as the most qualified. If he does make it to nominee, you can count on his VP pick taking office during the first term. china joe has no energy or endurance.
    He’ll be entertaining in a debate.

  3. The only blue collar DumbassJoe could ever have had would be on a blue shirt he bought at the store.

    Then again, he’s a lawyer and a lifelong shithead so I bet he always wore those pretentious blued dress shirts that had white collars.


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