Gross: CNN correspondents covering Katie Hill went partying with her later – IOTW Report

Gross: CNN correspondents covering Katie Hill went partying with her later

American Thinker: Throuples enthusiast Katie Hill is not without party pals, even after word got out about how she likes to party.

According to RedState (Hat tip: Instapundit):

CNN’s Brian Stelter and Olivier Darcy reportedly partied with disgraced former Congresswoman Katie Hill recently. This comes on the heels of Stelter giving a sympathetic interview to Hill in which he tried to spin her self-imposed scandal as a “right-wing” attack.

This is pretty bad, coming as it did on the heels of Hill’s ignominious exit from Congress.  Hill resigned after less than a term in office under a cloud for diddling the interns. 

CNN first went out of its way to give Hill positive news coverage for that self-inflicted failure, and after that, two of its most pompous asses decided afterward to party with her — in a pretty obvious conflict of interest.  That comes on top of Hill reportedly dating a new journalist-boyfriend, Alex Thomas of Playboy, who also spun her nothing but positive coverage. read more

21 Comments on Gross: CNN correspondents covering Katie Hill went partying with her later

  1. Anon:
    This time it won’t be just a city.
    I bet an asteroid as big as Los Angeles comes down and shakes the evolutionary dice for this planet one more time

  2. Why would Stelter fool around with a female-type girl when there are big, shitty, hairy, mens’ assholes for him to stick his face in?
    Maybe he just pretends to be faggy for his job?

    Guy should be in Hollyweird!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. She’s only “disgraced” inasmuch she had to resign. In the wider culture, she is very much unblemished as such depravity is to be considered “normal”. To think otherwise is to engage in “slut shaming” and not support the rights of women. So, you go Katie, you crazy slut! All our daughters, wives, and mothers should be so enlightened and liberated.

  4. Hmmm “Partying with Katie Hill”… I’m thinking that if I copyright that phrase that I may be able to cash in on it when it becomes a common euphemism on every sitcom.

  5. Brian looks like he enjoys the cuck role and Olivier looks like he enjoys the dominating overbearing/borderline violent type,so I could totally see them partying with Katie.


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