Group: Biden gun control would ‘criminalize’ 105M law-abiding people – IOTW Report

Group: Biden gun control would ‘criminalize’ 105M law-abiding people

Wa Ex: As President Biden pivots to the highly charged issue of gun control, key groups are urging him to respect the 105 million law-abiding gun owners and target instead illegal use of firearms.

Today, a growing organization that represents those with permits to carry concealed weapons said that instead of limiting access to guns, the president should nationalize legal permitting and end the patchwork of state regulations that range from tight bans to no restrictions.

“While we can agree that there are several ‘common sense’ and long overdue changes needed to our nation’s gun laws, we firmly believe that the path forward should be focused on supporting and protecting responsible, law-abiding Americans — not criminalizing and punishing them,” said a letter to Biden from the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

The group, which has exploded in recent years to 550,000 members, rapped Biden’s use of last week’s anniversary of the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, to call for more gun control, including universal background checks. read more

26 Comments on Group: Biden gun control would ‘criminalize’ 105M law-abiding people

  1. It’s really amazing and funny to me how full of BS the whole argument is. If we legal firearms owners were all the homicidal maniacs the gun grabbers claim we are, the problem for all the “non owners” would disappear in about a week. And if ANY politician REALLY GAS about public safety and the Nation, they’d just STFU and back off.

  2. Let them send federal agents to “inspect” our homes. It won’t take but a few violent incidents and this country will be in a rebellion that would make 1776 look like a junior high brawl.

  3. As seen on the Internets –
    When all of the guns have been banned,
    When all of the words have been censored,
    When history has been erased,
    When all our Freedoms have been taken…
    Only then will you realize why our Constitutional right to bear arms was so high on the list!

  4. …we’ll all be criminals.

    …that’s the POINT.

    …they will make so many laws and make them so arcane and obscure that it will not be possible for ANYONE to not violate all of them.

    …that gives them the right of selective enforcement.

    Step out of line, and they WILL find a “crime” you’ve committed, just because it’s impossible NOT to.

    …it’s the ultimate realization of Stalin’s “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” fantasy, writ large by vile Democrats, their media handmaidens, and houseboy RINOs…

  5. He’s got the entire capital surrounded with barbed wire and whole platoons of bodyguards and yet his paranoia is growing. Feeling a little ill at ease for your corrupt election Joe?

  6. The first step should be to increase that 105 million number, which Biden is helping to achieve. Even minus the squishy weak-kneed leftists, there is no reason why we can’t double that number, at least.

    The city burners and looters did us all a favor, revealing the stark reality that the police, generally good guys who want to do a good job, can’t protect you, only you can protect you.

    Of course it doesn’t help (although maybe it does) that the gun grabbers are soooooooooooooooo stupid;

  7. With over 3M lawful guns in the hands of private citizens, and over 3T rounds of ammunition, if WE lawful gunowners were the problem, you’d know by now.

    If the Gooberment insists on making me a criminal, then I’ll be the best criminal that I can be.

    Mike V’s (RIP) Rule 308, “”When Democracy Becomes Tyranny I STILL get to vote.” (Sipsey Street Irregulars)

  8. The Left always gets what it wants, either immediately or in the long run.

    They never give up till they get it, and the Right eventually always gives up and lets them have it.

    That just the nature of things, it can’t be changed.

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