‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: U.S. National Security Adviser – IOTW Report

‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: U.S. National Security Adviser

And this is news. Always known. The only ones denying it was the Chicom-supported Democrat media complex.

4 Comments on ‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: U.S. National Security Adviser

  1. My theory:
    Some lab maintenance guy took the test rats to the market to sell instead of euthanizing and incinerating them. He had probably been doing it for years. It’s a nice source of incremental income.

  2. This was no accident. This was a deliberate release of an infectious agent and
    it’s a virtual certainty that this was done deliberately after the CCP and the DNC colluded on methods to destabilize America so they could steal the election.

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