Growing number of Texas lawmakers will object Jan. 6 – IOTW Report

Growing number of Texas lawmakers will object Jan. 6

 Texas state representative Mayes Middleton breaks down his caucus’s collection of evidence surrounding voter fraud and what’s next for the state. One Americas Caitlin Sinclair has more.

8 Comments on Growing number of Texas lawmakers will object Jan. 6

  1. This would be a Constitutionally appropriate way to deal with this, hopefully it will make some difference.

    But, I’m not going to be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for it to succeed. I don’t have that much faith in the Republicans in Congress not joining in with the Democrats on the issue (actually, I sort of expect them to).

    We’ll see soon enough.

  2. How are you going to live with the faux elephant (GOP) if you don’t protest the truth?

    If this election isn’t overturned then we will be living in a faux democracy (I know faux republic) and the globalists and tri-lateral whatjamacallits will be in charge.

    Protest we insist.

  3. If this can’t be handled through proper channels and procedures, if the courts fail to follow the law, as we’ve seen in too many instances (and not just re: this election) and if voting has becomes moot and meaningless through such massive and unaddressed fraud, then there is no redress of grievances.
    We cannot accept this. This is a moment in history wherein we Americans must decide if we are to remain free citizens or allow ourselves to become subjects.
    The fight MUST be fought.

  4. I just saw a picture of supreme court justice Roberts with Ghislaine Maxwell. I’m telling you, our government has been completely compromised. I am opposed to martial law because obvious accountability issues. But I think at this point there’s enough evidence to easily prove corruption, compromised and treasonous government officials. Including FBI/CIA. I believe all of these agencies are not only compromised but complicit in treason/sedition.

  5. If I am required to account and document every penny associated with my income and precisely prepare my tax returns each year to avoid relentless IRS audits and possible jail time then the election process should he held to the exact same level of scrutiny.

  6. Jethro, now your getting it. They only have power because we consent to it. If we ALL refused, what then? Put half the country in prison? It wouldn’t work.

    Government only has the authority that we allow them to take from us.


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