Growing Wave Of Support For Jim Jordan To Take Over As Speaker – IOTW Report

Growing Wave Of Support For Jim Jordan To Take Over As Speaker

Daily Caller: Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan is getting pressure to throw his name into the mix to replace outgoing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, but he is not yet willing to say whether or not he intends to make a bid for the speakership in the coming months.

“What’s important is not who the next speaker is, but what the next speaker does,” Jordan told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s time to start delivering on what we told the American people we would do.”

Forty-eight-year-old Ryan officially will not seek re-election in November, validating months of speculation around Washington the speaker was ready to hang up his hat after serving nearly two decades in Congress, he officially announced Wednesday morning. Ryan made the decision to spend more time with his family so as not to be a “weekend” father, he told reporters.

“You all know that I did not seek this job. I took it reluctantly,” Ryan told reporters Wednesday. “But the truth is it’s easy to take over everything in your life, and you can’t just let that happen because there are other things in life that can be fleeting as well — namely your time as a husband and a dad, which is the other great honor of my life. And that’s why today I am announcing that this year will be my last one as a member of the House.” MORE

SNIP: “You all know that I did not seek this job. I took it reluctantly,” ???
Reluctantly?!  GMAFB.

13 Comments on Growing Wave Of Support For Jim Jordan To Take Over As Speaker

  1. Jordan sat next to me at breakfast, and when I rose to shake his hand when he arrived, he insisted that I didn’t rise as I was paying his salary.

    A very down to earth guy in my opinion.

  2. What about Kevin McCarthy? The establishment is certainly not going to hand the job to somebody competent and conservative like Jordan.

    Erick Erickson and his Safeway buddy will tell you to your face that they don’t like McCarthy, but they really do, and they will do whatever it takes behind the scenes to subvert Jordan.

  3. I actually went down to our township hall to hear him speak. I spent countless hours watching him on cspan, and clips from various hearings. I don’t particularly like politicians. I love this guy. Even had the opportunity to speak with him for a few moments after. This guy gets it folks. I truly believe he is the real deal.

    The best part was some folks from Oberlin college made sure to show up early and sit in the front row. The only thing they accomplished was the entire room got to watch him politely make asses out of all of them.

  4. Whoever it is they have to be ready to crush that rat Ryan when he starts sabotaging the midterms. He needs to be iced quickly because he is going to be funding demorats and recruiting perverts and psychos to run and lose historically safe seats. He will be working overtime to set up a loss and push impeachment.

  5. Some are speculating that Ryan is leaving the ship like some other rats before they get caught up in IG Horowitz’ investigation. Although, I have no idea how that would be the case with Ryan. But as a Speaker he has been a colossal failure in advancing POTUS Trump’s — and the duly-passed platform of the RNC — agenda. It’s as though he has been operating on his own since the beginning of Trump’s administration. Some others are speculating that Ryan is leaving in order to prepare for a 2020 presidential run. I hope that is not true.

    Jim Jordan would be an excellent choice. He should get the Giraffe Award for sticking his neck out.


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