Gruesome Details Emerge of Islamic Genocide of Black Africans – IOTW Report

Gruesome Details Emerge of Islamic Genocide of Black Africans

Geller Report:
There is yet another islamic genocide that continues to unfold to Darfur.

Well-armed Muslims have been massacring thousands of unarmed black Africans, while at the same time driving half a million black Africans from Sudan into Chad.

Children ‘piled up and shot’: new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur. No media, coverage. No protests. No rallies or rich kids tearing down statures and institutions calling for ceasefire. No, they call for intifada (Islamic revolution.). MORE

14 Comments on Gruesome Details Emerge of Islamic Genocide of Black Africans

  1. Black Africans come in behind radical islamists in the progressive movement Intersectionality Derby. Nothing to see here, move along.

    Anyone who wants to point fingers at Democrats, you are leaving out the Republican establishment wing of the progressive movement.

  2. Hmmmmm… nuthin new here.
    It’s only been going on for 1500 years as Seventh Century Savages never change.

    Gee Wally, if only Obama was around in 610 A.D. they coulda had Hope and Change…

  3. this must be the subject of the propaganda diversion. take ground in africa. islam will perform the genocide, while the world looks elsewhere. it is time to stop pretending. it is obvious our leaders have the same planned for the civil inhabitants of north america. take a look at how our corrupted justice system has allowed the invasion while violence and incivility has risen. its a planned invasion by the elite to take ground and transfer wealth. its time to fiercely protect our country if you want to keep it. start locally and look beyond what our leaders are saying. its all about transferring your wealth. your wealth is living in a civil law abiding country with the legal infrastructure to own property. america is the bread basket of the world, with little effort this part of the earth gives up a cornucopia of food. food, shelter and water. its worth the fight. get busy and make sure your voting locality is aware of the collusion between county state and federal officials. in my county the key words are… federal funding, state funding, new fees, new taxes, constitutional amendment, basically anything that removes your voice. these subjects can be sensitive and include coined terms like hate crime, inclusion, diversity, racist, bigotry. dont fool yourself, its an invasion.

  4. History rarely repeats but it always rhymes.

    Behold, the beauty of sheer poetry!

    I’m guessing this proves that today’s Allah has no use for Diversity and Inclusion??

  5. I worked in the Middle East for two years and can verify Muslims dropped N***ER at every opportunity to describe African workers.

    When I say “workers”, I mean virtual slaves doing the menial or dangerous jobs.

  6. Democrats do not care about Black people whatever their origin, apart from how they can use them.

    They used them for farming implements before the Civil War,

    They use them as vote farming implements and expendible Brown Shirts now.

    Black people have never been people to Democrats.

    They’ve never been anything but tools.

  7. Tools in both senses of the word: objects to be used by DNC Massa,
    and idiots.

    Idiots, because after so many years and so many occasions of being USED, most of them still have NO CLUE.

  8. @ Harrry

    Gosh, Beeve, I don’t know about that. The minute Mohammed got a sense of what Obama was about, he would have had his head .. And by that, I mean his actual physical, cranium head. The one on top of his shoulders

  9. Black Africans are expendable as viewed by most of the world. Black Africans are literally too culturally diverse to unite for their own preservation and defense.

    Their nations lack technical and military advancement (some exceptions- Nigeria, South Africa) and don’t have the initiative to acquire high tech intelligence and equipment, despite the rich minerals under their feet.

    Black Africans continue to put themselves at a horrible disadvantage and after centuries of horrendous abuse and atrocities perpetrated by Muslims, they have learned nothing.

  10. Muslims them mostly peaceful type folks. There’s only a few groups of people they have issues with any Americans especially trump types. Off with their head using a dull machete, cause it takes multiple wacks.

  11. “Well-armed Muslims”

    Rumor has it the Israelis armed these animals. I dunno. I have no dog in this fight but the peeps that are typing this are fairly reputable. Some one should investigate these allegations.

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