Grumpy celebrities are poisoned by their own resentment – IOTW Report

Grumpy celebrities are poisoned by their own resentment

Celebrities despise us. But they need us.

And they resent the fact that they need us.

So what do they do?

They poison themselves in hopes of teaching us a lesson.

Patriot Retort: Someone once told me resentment is like eating rat poison and waiting for the other guy to die.

Celebrities have taken a heaping helping of rat poison, haven’t they?

Their resentment toward Donald Trump and, by extension, his voters is so deep and insidious, these cloistered, pampered celebrities are poisoning themselves in an effort to “get back” at us.

Oh, how proud they are for refusing to perform at Trump’s Inauguration.

I don’t know how many of them were actually asked. Probably not many.

Certainly not Beyonce or Katy Perry.

And they’re not satisfied with simply refusing for themselves. These spiteful vermin are also intimidating other performers into avoiding the Inauguration as well.

For some reason they believe this will endear them to the American consumers who purchase their albums, download their music, and buy their concert tickets.

It won’t.

Instead, they’re simply taking rat poison and waiting for Trump to die.   MORE

9 Comments on Grumpy celebrities are poisoned by their own resentment

  1. Right after the election, I briefly tuned into Stephen Colbert. He whined. He was shocked and dismayed. He didn’t think he had it in him to be funny.

    I switched the channel. Your job, Stephen Colbert, is to be a clown and amuse me. Your politics mean nothing to me, and I don’t take my life cues from some late night talk show host. Yes, for a minute or two I was amused by another smug, butt-hurt, clueless, sniveling leftist whose world just came crashing down, but I was looking for some jokes, or at least a little mirth. You are nothing more than a court jester, and you failed at this.

    Singers, comedians, actors, and the like exist to entertain me. Don’t think for a minute you are any more important than that.

  2. The only way to get these snitpusses to shut it is by cutting the funds to the people that sign their paycheck.
    Follow the $. Cancel your cable and or sat-tv. Quit going to the movies. Within a few months, their tune will change.
    Why finance people that insult you?

  3. Seriously, this topic, on a personal level is disturbing. If you are going to not make clothing, boycott events, and so forth for President, his family, and overall administration, do so quietly and not publicly. All this does is make our country look sad to the rest of the world. It’s such an embarrassment, and it shows animosity and lack of respect for the Office. This one sort of hits home for me. I simply abhor this kind of behavior. Most of you loudmouth, trouble-making celebrities are nutcase, neurotic, narcissistic substance-abuse addicts anyway. Gee Wiz

  4. Do the same thing to the entertainment industry that we have been doing to the NFL. Save your money for yourselves and screw these pansies, let them go back to waiting tables and serving coffee at shitholes that the elite only go to. They live like a box of hamsters crawling all over each other anyways. They can’t even wipe their own asses without announcing it on twatter or fartbook or snatchchat.

  5. Starve ’em.

    I download their movies from foreign websites using a proxy server as a form of “protest”. However, that would imply that I find something worth downloading for FREE, because even at that price, there’s nothing worth watching.

    Good Guys, like Clit Eastwood, are excepted from my “protest”.

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