Guam’s Airspace Set To Be Most Defended On Earth In New Plans – IOTW Report

Guam’s Airspace Set To Be Most Defended On Earth In New Plans


Guam is set to gain as many as 20 new air defense sites packed with surface-to-air interceptors, radars, and more as part of a massive defensive upgrade plan. Overall, the island looks set to become the most densely protected place anywhere on the planet.

Documents the U.S. military has released discussing the potential impacts on day-to-day life on Guam from the new air and missile defenses have offered a new look at the scale and scope of the project. A total of 20 separate sites are currently under consideration to host surface-to-air interceptors, radars, and other elements of the planned Enhanced Integrated Air and Missile Defense (EIAMD) system. In addition to changes on the ground, the system is expected to come along with new airspace restrictions, particularly around radar sites that will be in constant operation and present potential electromagnetic interference hazards.

The U.S. military held multiple so-called “public scoping meetings” on Guam earlier this month to provide information about the planned EIAMD system to residents and solicit feedback. Members of the public have until August 18 to submit further comments and criticisms about the project and its potential environmental impacts. more here

12 Comments on Guam’s Airspace Set To Be Most Defended On Earth In New Plans

  1. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, they refused to close the border here in the US while we’re being invaded by criminals. I don’t care if they’re looking for a better life, most of the whole world is, they’re criminals because they’re crossing the border illegally.

  2. While stationed there in 75, 3 TU-95 Bears flew directly over the island. Anderson AFB couldn’t respond as it was a SAC base and the closest carrier was near Australia. it only took 48 years but maybe they finally got it right.

  3. @ Bob “If China attacks us it will be from bases in Mexico and Canada.”

    Well, china has already attacked Us and they used our Own damn government. Posse Comitatus will be suspended using some made up crisis; “climate emergency”. Read your Patriot Act, it’ll scare you what power these criminals have. Rest assured they won’t give it back without a fight.

  4. Andy’s dad AT 11:54 AM^^^The Patriot Act has been turned agains’t us, but some people had warned this would happen. We should have listened but we thought our government was full of honest men.

  5. Anonymous at 12:00 pm

    I read that blueprint for the destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and promptly vomited. As long as that Act is in effect, We as a nation are in the complete control of those that wield the force of government, hence the insane efforts to stop, destroy or silence any and all that threaten It. As you stated; no enough people were paying attention.

  6. It’s not that Guam is all that important (although it is), it’s all about denying the Norks gloating rights when they try to nuke it – and we get to gloat when we intercept their missile. In other words, it’s a game of chicken.


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