Daily Sceptic:
A staff revolt is brewing at the Guardian over the newspaper’s insistence that staff return to the office amid concerns the new policy will give some employees less time to spend with their pets. The Telegraph has more.
Bosses have told staff they must come into the office for a minimum of three days a week from January after many failed to return following the pandemic.
But the mandate has been met with anger by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), which has asked members for their views on the issue.
In a survey distributed earlier this month, Guardian staff were asked how much they agreed with various statements about the impact of returning to the office.
These ranged from concerns about the financial impact of commuting, to issues around work-life balance and distractions in the office.
Poor pets.
Probably begging for those idiots to go back to work.
National Union of Journalists=….National Union of Government Propaganda!
And Covid is the gift that keeps on giving. What is left of the work ethic and productivity has been killed off by the “work from home” B.S.
I guess that answers the question: do they really do any work from home or are they playing with their pets?
They all want to Zoom in like Jeffrey Toobin.
distractions in the office?
The office is the distraction! Can’t you see? What, are you people blind? I can’t work at work, I need to raise cockroaches to hand feed my iguana and it’s my right to make you pay me for doing just that.
I’m sure they ignore their pets even more when they ‘work from home’ than when they were in the office all day.
I remember the first time I worked from home for two years, 2003-2005. I worried that I would not be disciplined enough. Turns out, I started a 8 am and when my roommate came home at 6 pm, she asked me if I had eaten. I usually just grabbed something about noon and went right back to work. So, she fixed dinner, I ate, then went back to work until 9 or 10 pm. Sometimes, I got up at 2 am when I woke thinking of a solution to a program I was writing, got up and worked for an hour or two. Sometimes, I emailed my tech person, who often was also up at that time and we worked out a solution together.
So, knowing these children whining about being ‘forced’ to go back into the office, I’m sure they are only concerned that they’d actually have to work.
Me? If I was ‘forced’ to go in to work, would be thrilled to have my evenings back for myself!
But that’s the difference between someone whose Dad taught her a work ethic and children who were pampered.
You tell me you’re not important enough to come in, then you also are telling me I don’t need you.
Now you can spend ALL the time with your pet.
And who knows, if you’re forced to eat it, it can be part of you forever, or at least until you take your next dump…
“And Covid is the gift that keeps on giving”
Word, homie. Now it’s wrecking what’s left of our work ethic. But then on the other hand I imagine these are all fairly young people that have spent their entire life bathing in academia. In other words worthless people.
Never seen a bigger bunch of pussies in my life. No wonder mental illness is off the charts with these people.
Classical Projection – attributing thoughts and emotions to an external object which originate within oneself but are denied and turned around to protect the ego.
They sound like members of the up-and-coming “Useless Class.”
“Guardian Staff Protest That Their Pets Will Suffer if They’re Forced to Come in to the Office”
This is a true statement, unless the office is a pet play-yard. Grammatically, looks like pets are being forced to come into the office.
Remember the old saying “Count your lucky stars”?
Back when I was working a three-day weekend didn’t come often and was highly treasured. Now they scoff at a four day weekend every day!!
What a bunch of pussies!!
Edit: Now they scoff at a four day weekend every week!!
No comment from the Healthcare sector after working Thanksgiving, today (Merry Christmas y’all!) and will be there on New Years as well.