Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn attended a pedo-themed party, according to photographs surfacing online – IOTW Report

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn attended a pedo-themed party, according to photographs surfacing online

The Daily Caller’s Ian Miles Cheong appears to have been the first to find and publish the photos, seen below.

13 Comments on Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn attended a pedo-themed party, according to photographs surfacing online

  1. This is just a confirmation that he is warped and twisted. In my meager opinion, the tweets are far worse than the pics. The fact that he was talking about correspondence from a convicted pedophile (Huston Huddleston) as a source for child porn to which he ejaculated should have had the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department or the FBI with a search warrant, going through his home looking through his computers and looking for cd’s and thumbnail drives that might be hidden behind the drywall.

    Funny how the Lefties in Hollywood will blacklist a conservative actor for a microaggression but vocally defend a potential pedophile as if he is an artistic saint beyond reproach.

  2. What is it with liberals and pedophilia? They are a bunch of sick bastards, there is nothing lower than a child molester and I mean nothing. Hope he likes a giant millstone hung around his neck and being cast into the sea preferably over the Marianna’s Trench.

  3. Since all of the cast signed the letter demanding he be reinstated, can you be a Guardian of the Galaxy if you’re not allowed within 500 feet of a school?

  4. Just sitting here shaking my head side to side…no.

    Sickos are trying to normalize through mainstream social networks and structures.

    This is supposed to happen in shitholes in Afghanistan that our troops have to ‘look away’ from but here is the good ole US??

    My god help us and those victims.

    @ Uncle AL – how about vomit, scream and CRY at the same time? Only because and I HATE to sound graphic but that is exactly what those victims are experiencing…


  5. I just saw Tom Hanks Twitter, and it’s filled with His photos of lost Little Girls shoe’s, that are sitting on the side of the road (only one shoe each Pic). The Other photos were of Single Glove’s. Creepy as Hell stuff.

  6. Just goes to show ya how truly sick Liberalism really is!
    If yer a Liberal with or without (but especially with) children, how do you look at this or really any of the Hollywood depravity and say “That’s what I want to be part of”

  7. It explains why they so heavily support the democrats. People harboring deviant thoughts and even those that act on those sick feelings need to be shielded from consequences. The democrat party is more than happy to do so for the purchase price of a vote.
    Morality is nothing more than a hurdle to both democrats and degenerates.

  8. If it’s OK to kill them, then surely it’s OK to fuck them.
    This is a natural consequence of legalized (and “moralized”) abortion.

    It’s also a natural consequence of socialism (actually totalitarianism of any flavor) for socialism is a denial of God, of morality, of sin.

    izlamo delenda est …


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