Sara Carter: Guatemala’s Attorney General is investigating ongoing criminal claims that a number of American tax payer funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and outside the United States are complicit in the ongoing trafficking, abuse and disappearance of children from its nation, according to an official Guatemalan letter obtained by this investigative columnist.
The Guatemalan government is seeking full cooperation from the State of Texas, where the accusations of abuse have been reported, government officials told SaraACarter.com.
A letter from Guatemalan Attorney General María Consuelo Porras was sent to Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday. Porras asked Paxton for immediate assistance with investigations into recent criminal reports filed with Guatemala’s Public Ministry alleging that unaccompanied minor children and adolescents being trafficked into the U.S. from Guatemala have allegedly suffered sexual and physical abuse at facilities operated by U.S. tax payer funded NGOs. more here
NGO distributes flyers telling illegal migrants to vote for Biden or they will lose benefits.
The fascists want crime, famine and poveryty everywhere so they can be the “rescuers”, then become the Soviets. Then genocide will start on a scale even Mao, Hitler and Stalin would envy. They’re even trying to sabotage Bukele’s success in El Salvador:
There is NO hope of uinfying the US. EVER AGAIN. The chances of Donald Trump “winning” the 2024 election is close enought, but with all the corruption in o government, that chance is really looking dim, no matter how many Americans will vote for Trump. So what’s the answer? Secession. There’s no other way out.
So what is their punishment? If the death penalty, give them all the help they need.
NGO. Yeah, there’s a lot loaded into those three letters that damned few people understand. Technically, NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization, but that refers only to the absence of any official connection to a govt agency or program.
But follow the money. Most NGOs get the bulk of their operating money from govt grants. This makes them ideal instruments for govt agencies to do things that the agencies would be prohibited from doing themselves. On top of that, most NGOs are non-profits designated charitable for tax purposes. This means that the dollars given them by the gullible reduce the gullibles’ tax bite, so even THOSE dollars represent partial govt funding.
Look around and you’ll find NGOs involved in every despicable criminal immoral perverted enterprise you can imagine. Here, we find that NGOs are denounced for child trafficking. Am I surprised? Not a bit.
“NGO” needs to be exterminated.
They are a major cause of the invasion.