Gubernatorial Candidate Anthony Trimino Explains Why California Is Ready For A GOP Takeover – IOTW Report

Gubernatorial Candidate Anthony Trimino Explains Why California Is Ready For A GOP Takeover


Cultural overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic could spring Republicans into office in the nation’s largest state, California Republican gubernatorial candidate Anthony Trimino told the Daily Caller in a recent interview.

Latino voters swung towards the Republican Party in large numbers during the 2020 election cycle, and the trend appears to be continuing into the 2022 midterms. Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin may have secured the majority of the Latino vote in 2021, and Republicans won several mayoral races in heavily-Latino border areas in Texas. Eight Latino Republicans won Texas’ first-in-the-nation congressional primaries on March 1, and Republicans also increased their primary share in the state’s four southernmost counties, which are over 90% Hispanic.

“I think there’s an awakening happening within the Latino communities, where they’re realizing they’re being forced to redefine their political values, and I think they’re asking themselves the questions that are truly necessary to understand how to vote. I think they’re finding they’re a lot more conservative,” Trimino, whose grandparents fled Cuba’s Communist Revolution, told the Daily Caller. more

9 Comments on Gubernatorial Candidate Anthony Trimino Explains Why California Is Ready For A GOP Takeover

  1. It’s not going to happen for other reasons as well.

    Newsom’s recall was not that long ago and the vote fell just about at party lines, 2 to 1 in favor of keeping the schmuk.

    For every lib in California that is feeling the pain, a ready-made argument is available why this is all Trump’s fault and relief would come as long as those 2 turncoats (Sinema and Manchin) could be taken out, then Biden’s BBB plan would save us.

    There is also a large illegal alien community that Anthony does not recognize, this community likes getting free shit and they know that dems are the ones that give it to them.

  2. “Newsom’s recall was not that long ago and the vote fell just about at party lines, 2 to 1 in favor of keeping the schmuk.”

    There’s no way that was a legit count. Remember, it’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes.
    Joe Biden

  3. I live in California for now. Anyone saying this stuff is either lying or just not informed.
    It is worse than what you see reported. It is fully controlled by the democrats who set the narrative and are not challenged. The Republican party almost does not exist in California. There are few Hispanic Republican groups, trying to hold events and end up in being chased out of town, but that’s it.
    Even if somehow, the welfare dependent illegals decided not to vote or the legal voters who are brainwashed decided to vote Republican, the state is still fully controlled by the democrats who have super majority in the state legislator and will find ballots, count and re-count until democrats win.
    Remember the 2018 midterms?
    At least one Republican candidate won, went to DC, attended the freshman congressman orientation for one week, and then was told she needs to go back to California because they magically found boxes of ballots all voting for the democrat candidate.
    They legalized ballot harvesting and that’s how they turned Orange County, a historically Republican strong hold to a blue cesspool. All the Republican candidates, some popular, were easily winning every time they were up for re-election, all lost to a bunch nobodies mostly not even known in their own districts.
    And then we all saw what happened in the Gavin Newsom recall elections, after all the media hype, warnings and screeching on TV and radio, he magically won by a large margin.
    That tells you all you need to know. If somehow their candidate is not popular, they will find ballots and make him/her look popular.
    So don’t wait for California to turn red anytime soon.
    I hope I am wrong, and in fact, I would welcome being wrong on this, but reality suggests otherwise.


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